2022 02 16 152

희진이한테 얘기 안 하고 올려버리기
Posting it without telling Heejin.

미안해 희진~~~자고 있을거자나~~~
I'm sorry, Heejin. She's probably sleeping.~~

이때가 딱 뒤에 멤버들 한 명씩 데뷔할 때
This is when each of the members debuted one by one.

데뷔는 했는데 내가 연습생같고 1년2년이 그냥 지나가는 것 같아서 잊으려고 더 열심히 연습했었어
I debuted, but I felt like I was a trainee and it felt like a year and two years passed by.

그래서 희진이랑 커버곡 우리끼리 하자 해서 아마 이거 말고도 더 있을걸...
So Heejin and I decided to do a cover song on our own, so there's probably more than this.

아침부터 너무 그래?
Is it too early in the morning?

새벽감성이지만 새벽엔 내가 자니까^^~~난 아침엨ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
It's sentimental at dawn, but I sleep at dawn. ^
^~In the morning, lololololol.

엄마들이 칭찬해줘서 은쪽이는 기분이 좋아요
My mom complimented me, so I'm happy.

맞아 그 시간이 쌓여서 지금의 내가 된거니까👍👍
That's right. Because that time accumulated and I became who I am now. 👍👍

하지만 정은...이제 시작이다
But Jungeun...It's just the beginning.

이거 하게되고 엄마들이랑 이렇게 얘기하는거 너무 힐링이야
It's so healing to do this and talk to my moms like this.

그런 의미에서 나 밥 뭐먹지
On that note, what should I eat?

Seaweed soup vs chicken ribs.

미역국 시켰어요
I ordered seaweed soup.

배달팁 비싸~~
Delivery tips are expensive.

근데 미역국 시켰는데
I ordered seaweed soup.

미역이 너무 커요
The seaweed is too big.

지금 권진아님 노래 들으면서 아침부터 살짝 촉촉해지는데
Listening to Kwon Jinah's song, I'm getting a little moist in the morning.

가사가 진짜 미쳤어요
The lyrics are crazy.

운이 좋았지랑 위로
I was lucky and consoled.

지금은 Angels speak들으면서 우는 중
Now I'm crying while listening to Angelspeak.

겨울잠 듣는 중 ㅜ ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Listening to hibernation. ㅜㅜㅜ

이하이님 For You도 좋아하는 편
I like Lee Hi for You, too.

다운님 phobia들어보셔요..
Daun, listen to phobia.

Tori Kelly-Sorry Would Go A Long Way👍👍👍💖
Tori Kelly-Sorry Would Go A Long Way👍👍👍💖

추천을 아마 전에.. 했을수도?
I think I recommended it before... Maybe?

그리고 마지막으로 김립이라는 분 너의 모든 순간 커버 하셨던데 되게 좋더라구요💖
Lastly, Kim Lip covered every moment of you. It was really nice.💖

(진솔언니가 영상 나오고 너무 좋다고 카톡왔었는데 너무 고맙고 감동이었삼😀)
(Jinsol sent me a message saying she loved it after the video came out, and I was so thankful and moved 😀)

김립 그 분 음색crazy~~
Kim Lip's voice is crazy!