2022 11 24 3824

내 돈 아까워라
What a waste of my money.

하 돈 아껴야하는디
I have to save money.

비마트에서 며칠간 먹을 식량을 시켜따
I ordered food from B-Mart for a few days.

아니 유튭 들어갔는데
No, I went into YouTube.

올더케이팝 실시간 라이브 여기
All the K-pop real-time live here.

썸네일 난가
Thumbnail is...

Someone did it.

적응안되는 과거의 나
I can't get used to the past.

순간 엥,,,? 뭐지,,,?
For a moment... What is it?

"진솔이는 어느때의 진솔이가 젤조아"
"JinSoul is the most joa of the past."

플립댓 때
During "Flipped That",

아 댓글에 하이진쏘울 뭐야
Ah, in the comments... What is High Jin Soul?

(Laughs) (Laughs)

아 욱겨
Oh, I'm getting angry.

댓글달지마 쉿🤫
Don't leave comments. Shh. 🤫



난 배고파서 힘이 없더 쟈기들
I'm so hungry that I don't have energy.

아니 댑앋
No, dab-dat.

올더케이팝에서도 댓글을,,
Comments from All the K-pop also...

감사합니다,,, 썸네일의 영광,,,,👍🏻
Thank you, the honor of the thumbnail...👍🏻

아니야,,, 뭐 틀어달라고 하지마,,,
No, don't ask me to play anything.

우리 조용히 노래 감상하자,,,,
Let's listen to the song quietly.

우리 노래 안듣고싶어,,,
I don't want to listen to our song.

해산하라는걸 또 쓰고있어,,,😵‍💫
I'm writing to disband again, 😵💫

They are golden children.

I see.

be in a rage

관리자님 누구실까
Who's the manager?

재밌네요 호호
It's fun.

둥둥씨들 행복해버이네
You guys are so happy.

긔얍다 ㅋ
That's cute.

"언니 전에 엠넷에서 올린 것도 언니가 썸네일이였던거 아시나용"
"Did you know that the one you posted on Mnet before was also a thumbnail?"

마자아 알즤
I know you.

배달이 곧 온대
The delivery is coming soon.

My heart is pounding.

달소는 보고 먹으면 되겠군
We can eat it after watching it.

"근데 썸네일 나온거 어떻게 알게 된거에요? 음악 듣는거 찾다가 본거에요?"
"But how did you know that the thumbnail came out? You were looking for music?"

아녕 저 구독자여서,,,
No, I'm a subscriber.

윽 하이하이라니
What do you mean "hi-hi"?


렌즈왜케 큰거 껶지
Why are you wearing big lenses?

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ힘을내 좀 귀엽네^^
(Laughs) (Laughs)Cheer up. It's kind of cute. ^^

와 충격적이네
Wow, that's shocking.

오랜만에 보니까
It's been a while since I saw you.

후,,,, 입맛이 조곰 떨어지는
Whoo... my appetite is dropping.

귀엽네^^^^^ 다 경험이지
So cute. ^^^^다 It's all an experience.

나 이제 밥머그러가꺼야
I'm going to stay with Bob now.


우리 오빛들 항상 고맙고, 앞으로도 쭈욱 함께 해주실거죠? 남은 날들도, 우리 멤버들 모두! 응원해주시는 것을 부탁드릴게요 부탁하는 입장이 참 미안하긴 하지만,, 그만큼 좋은 모습 보여드리려고 노력 많이 할게요!
ORBIT, thank you always and you'll be with us forever, right? For the rest of the days, all the members! Please cheer for us. I'm sorry to ask you, but I'll try hard to show you that much better!

늦었지만 우리 오빛들 새해 복 많이 받아요!
It's late, but Happy New Year to ORBIT!

다들 까만 꿈 꿔요 앙녕
Have a black dream. Hello.

@zindoriyam 소통 이어서 할게요 🤍
@zindoriyam Let's continue our communication 🤍