2022 11 15 3682
모두 꿀잠자기를
Good night, everyone.
오늘도 다들 조은 하루 보내숑
Have a great day today.
나 완전 꿀잠잤덩 오늘!
I slept really well today!
지금 일난건아니고,,
It's not something that happened now.
"꼭 오후에 팹 보내면 지금 일어났냐고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"If you send a fab in the afternoon, do you wake up now? lol"
Injueng (meaning in Korean)
근데 더 자고싶은 상태야
But I want to sleep more.
It's bleeding!
잘 수 없옹
I can't sleep.
일정들을 해야하므로로
Because I have to do schedules.
결국 포맨트도 사버리고 말았다
I ended up buying a formant.
향은 아직까지 이걸 대체할게 없는 둣
The scent is still irreplaceable.
"진도링딩동님 방향제 냄새 너무 좋아요 두개 세개 살껄..."
"ID Jindo Ringdingdong, the air freshener smells so good. I should've bought two or three..."
헉? 제가 만든거요?
Huh? What I made?
"매일 기분에 따라 다른 향 쓰는 거야?"
"Do you use different scents depending on your mood?"
그럴려고 했는데 포맨트 향이 넘나 조아서 이걸 써야 기분이 조아져,,
I was going to, but the scent of the formant is too strong, so I feel better when I use this.
"쏠누나 방향제 향 너무 좋아용
몇개 더 살걸ㅠㅠ
재판매해달라고 해주세용😀"
"I really like the scent of SOL's air freshener.
I should have bought a few more.
Please ask me to resell it. 😀"
어,, 나도 만들고나서 다시 맡아보지는 못했덩 ㅜㅜ 주신다했으니 기다려야징
Yeah, I couldn't smell it again after I made it, but I'll wait because you said you'll give it to me.
Good morning.
오늘도 조은하르 보내숑
I'm sending Joeunhar today as well.
수능보는 분들 다들 화이팅하시길,,👊🏻
Good luck to all those who are taking the CSAT, 👊🏻
고생하셨습니다 모두!
Great job, everyone!
밥 먹어요 언능! 긴장 많이 하느라 더 배고프겠다
Eat! You must be hungry because you're so nervous.
"진도리는 수능 마치고 뭐 했나요"
"What did you do after the college entrance exam?"
정말 기억이 안남,,, 벌써 너무나도 오래전,,,,
I really don't remember, long time ago already...
"실기시험때매 수능치고 더 바쁘지않아? 예체능쪽은"
"Aren't you busier during the practical exam for every college entrance exam? The arts and sports..."
진돌은 사실 수능 전에 합격했어요,,헤헤
Jindol actually passed before the college entrance exam, hehe
"1년 재수 어떻게 생각하세요?"
"What do you think about taking a year's college entrance exam?"
대단한 일,,? 더 좋은 목표를 위해 힘든 시간을 또 견뎌내는 거니까!
It's a great thing..? It's to endure hard times for a better goal!
앞으로 예체능은 정시 1차, 2차도 있지않나,,?
Aren't there going to be the first and second rounds of art and physical education?
실기 시험이 있는 분들은 진짜 화이띵 ㅜ ㅜ
For those who have a practical test, fighting!
수능 이후로도 계속 바쁘니까 제일 힘들고 바쁘고 온갖 생각이 다 나는 시기죠
It's the time when you're busy even after the college entrance exam, so it's the hardest and the busiest time.
내가 무슨 말을 꺼냈다가 잘못 의미가 닿아 상처받을까 요론 부분엔 되게 조심스럽네
I'm very careful about what I'm saying and what I'm going to say that might hurt you.
저도 근데 진짜 오디션만 보러다니다가 입시장 갔을때는
When I went to the entrance market after only auditioning,
너무너무너무너무 떨리고 같이 시험 보는 사람들이 다 너무 잘하고 천재같아서 자존감 바닥인 상태로 셤 봤었던 것 같아
I was so nervous and everyone who took the test with me did so well and seemed like a genius, so I think I took it with low self-esteem.
국제예대가 마지막 입시날이였는데, 이 때는 하~ 입시는 진짜 내 길이 아니구나 이 생각에 하나도 안 떨리는거에요
It was the last day of the international art college entrance exam, and I wasn't nervous at all because I thought the entrance exam wasn't my way.
해탈을 한 덕분에 긴장을 안해서 (추천하는 건 아니지만 내 경험) 다른 실기시험 때 보단 딱 노래 집중해서 잘 할수 있었던 것 같아
Because I gave up, I wasn't nervous (but I'm not recommending it) so I was able to focus on singing better than other practical tests.
적당한 긴장은 좋지만 과한 긴장으로 평소보다 못한 실력을 보여주면 그게 제일 아쉬운 법이니까 마인드컨트롤 하는게 중요한 것 같달까,,, 그게 제일 어렵지만 ㅜ ㅜ
Moderate tension is good, but if you show your poor skills due to excessive tension, it's the most regrettable thing, so I think it's important to control your mind, but that's the most difficult thing.
공부쪽도 마찬가지죠,,?
It's the same for studying, right?
"너무 욕심많으면 괜히 긴장되고 그러니까 이거 떨어져도 나는 다른길이 있다라고 생각하는게 좋아"
"If you're too greedy, you get nervous for no reason, so it's good to think that there's a different path even if you fall."
맞아 난 또 운명론자여서^^^^^^
결과가 안 좋으면 아 내 운명이 아닌가보다~
하고 정말 원하던 곳이였다면 언젠간 기회가 오지 않을까? 하며 다시 도전하는 편 인둣
Yes, I'm a fatalist. ^^^^^^
If the results aren't good, I guess it's not my destiny.
And if it was the place I really wanted, wouldn't the opportunity come someday? and try again.
"언니 국제예대 과잠입고 셀카 한번만 찍어주면 안될까요 2022 ver 으로다가,,,,"
"Can you take a selfie wearing the international art major's pajamas? In 2022 version,"
본가에 있음
아니? 사실 있는지 모르겠
at one's parent's house
No, I don't know if I actually have it.
뭐야 진솔 썸네일 또 당첨
What? JinSoul's thumbnail is chosen again.
Let's see.
나 보는중
I'm watching.
나 말이 좀 느리긴 하구나?
Am I speaking a little slow?
멤버들 말할때에 비해 자막이 빨리빨리 안 바뀌네
The subtitles don't change fast compared to when the members talk.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
나 근데 셀카 좀 찍어야것다
I should take some selfies.
요즘 셀카가 1도 없어
I don't have any selfies these days.
오늘은 일단 패쓰고
Today, I'm going to use my card.
낼부터 노력해보게씀둥
Try tomorrow.
실시간 팩하는 중
Doing a real-time pack.
"우와 언니 속눈썹펌 진짜 오래가네 이뿌당"
"Wow, your eyelash perm goes for a long time."
그저께 새로 함ㅋ
I did it the day before yesterday.
"집에선 안경 쓰고 있어?"
"Are you wearing glasses at home?"
집에만 있는 날에는?
On days when you're just at home?