2022 11 13 3641
모두 굿밤 되시용 (•ө•)ෆ⃛
Have a good night everyone (•ө•)⃛ෆ
수능멘트 떳네
Your comment on the college entrance exam came outstanding.
근데 내 문제 나도 모르겠는데
But I don't know my problem either.
저게 뭐지
What's that?
그냥 내가 말한걸 고르라는건가
You just want me to pick what I'm saying?
편지 정말 열심히 썼어
I worked really hard on the letter.
요즘 편지쓰는거 어렵더라
It's hard to write a letter these days.
사람마다 어떤 말에 상처받을지 모르니까 엄청 고민하면서 쓰게 된달까,,
I don't know what words hurt each person, so I think about it a lot.
네이버에 검색해봤엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I searched it on Naver.(Laughs)
힘이 되는 말ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ쿠ㅜㅜ
words of encouragement(Laughs)(Coughing)
하지만 결국엔 내 생각대로 쓰긴 했지만
But in the end, I wrote it my way.
"뉴나는 수능볼때 안떨렸어?? 난 왜 3일남았는데 아직 실감이 안나는거지..."
"weren't you nervous when you took the college entrance exam? I have 3 days left, but I still can't believe it."
저의 수능후기는,,, 굳이 말 안하겠어요
My review of the college entrance exam... I won't tell you.
전 방해안하기 프로젝트라 떨렸어용
I was nervous because it was a non-obstruction.
다른 의미로,,
In a different sense,
떨린다는건 그만큼 열심히 준비를 해왔다는 거니까~!
Being nervous means that you've worked that hard on it.
노력한 만큼 결과가 따라올거라 믿어요
I'm sure the results will follow as much as you try.
잘하고 싶은 만큼 떨린 법이잖아 ㅜ
You're always nervous as much as you want to do well.
"수능 만점맞아서 인터뷰하러오면 이달의소녀 사랑해 말하는 상상..."
"If you get a perfect score on the college entrance exam, imagine saying "LOONA, I love you.""
ㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌ잌ㅋㅋ 그럼 지짜 뿌듯하겠는걸
K, T.(Laughs)That would make me so proud.
"진도리도 그럼 콘서트 하기 전에 항상 떨렸겠네
열심히 준비 했었을테니 😂"
"Then you must have always been nervous before the concert.
You must have prepared hard 😂"
겁나 떨리쥬,,
I'm so nervous.