2022 11 12 3625

올릴려고 찍는거지
I'm taking it to post it.

뭐 셀렉 안된 셀카들이 많아져서 올릴게 많아졌엉 ><
Well, there are a lot of selfies that haven't been selected, so I have a lot to post ><


"경찰님 여기 팹 포인트 도둑있어요!!!"
"Police officer, there's a fab point thief here!"

훔쳐갈게여 총총
I'll steal it.

훔쳐서 엄마생일선물 사드려야지
I'm going to steal it and buy her a birthday present.

이건 좀 효녀지
This is kind of a good daughter.


좀 그런가
Is it too much?

(Laughs) (Laughs)


"그럼 쩔수 없긴 한디... 진소리가 팹포 훔쳐서 우리 엄마 선물은 못살듯"
"Well, it's inevitable, but... I don't think I can buy my mom's present because Jin-sori stole Fab-Po."

아 그럼 제 포인트 드리고 싶은디요
Then I want to give you my point.

"그런거라면 저히집 기둥도 드릴.."
"If that's the case, I'll give you the pillars of the house."

집에 기둥이 있어요?
Do you have a pillar in your house?


다들 모해용
What are you all doing?

You're diverse.

전 아따맘마 틀어놓고 팹 하는 중
I'm playing "Atta Mamma" and I'm doing a fab.

"진솔이랑 맥주마시면 진짜 재밋을거같아👍"
"I think it would be really fun to drink beer with Jinsol. 👍"

마시나 안 마시나 똑같은 텐션이여요
It's the same tension whether I drink it or not.

"단비 울음소리가 여기까지 들리는듯한 😂"
"I think I can hear Danbi crying all the way here 😂"

단비요,,,? 얜 아리인데
Danbi? This is Ari.

"오아리 오둥둥"
"Oh, my. Oh, my."

It's Odongdongdong.


"일부러 둥둥이라고 한건데...."
"I said it on purpose..."

아 그럼 재미가 없었나봐요
Then I guess it wasn't fun.


지금 팹에 몇 사람 없다
There are only a few people in Fab right now.

다들 토요일이라고 놀러갔나봐
I guess everyone went to play because it's Saturday.

비 오는 날 나가기 싫엉~!
I don't want to go out on a rainy day!

"브이앱 계획 있나요 (없어도 됨)"
"Do you have plans for V LIVE? (You don't have to)"

I don't have one.

"브이앱 아짓도 못하게해요?!"
"You can't even let me do V LIVE?"

못하게 한 적 없는데요?
I've never stopped you.

브이앱보다 팹이 댓글이 더 많아
Fab has more comments than Vapp.

팹은 악플이 없으니까
Fab doesn't have malicious comments.

브이앱이 좋아?
Do you like vlive?

보이스브이앱은 언제든 가능,,
Voice V LIVE is available anytime...

보이는 건 날 잡아야해
What you see, you got to catch me.

왕복 2시간 거리라
It's a two-hour round trip.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

마자 목이 일단 안 좋아서
My throat is not in a good condition.

생각을 아예 못하고 있었네
I didn't think about it at all.

긍데 어제보다 훨씬 목이 좋아졌어!
My throat is much better than yesterday!

아마도,, 말을 한마디도 안해서 그런가
Maybe it's because I didn't say a word.

그 전에는 말 안해도 목이 나가있었는데 오늘은 나쁘진 않네용
Before that, I didn't have to say anything but my voice was gone. It's not bad today.

"노래 부를때는 지장 없어? 괜찮아?"
"Does it matter when you sing? Are you alright?"

콘서트 이후로 노래도 한번도 부르지 않아써요,, 오로지 목 관리에만 매진하는데 안나아서 굉장히 스트레스를 받는 중
I haven't even sung since the concert, but I'm very stressed because I'm not getting well.

새로 간 병원에서 처방받은 약이 2주친데
He's been on medication for two weeks at his new hospital.

아직 3일 밖에 안돼서 효과를 기대중
It's only been three days, so I'm looking forward to the effects.

"오늘 좀 괜찮은거 보니 바꾼 약이 효과 좀 있나보네요"
"You're feeling better today, so the new medication seems to be working."

그쵸,,, 놀라워,,,, 한달반을 안낫던 이 목이,,, 조금씩 달라지고 있다니,,,🥹
That's right, it's amazing, this neck that hasn't been healed for a month and a half, is changing little by little.

"그래서 실시간으로 움직이는 진솔이 보고싶은걸"
"That's why I want to see JinSoul moving in real time."

지금 상태,,, 오바에요
This is too much.

K, T.(Laughs)T, T

좀 갠찬은 날에만 실시간 가능
It's only possible on days when I'm alone.

진짜 최근 목상태는 그때 코로나 걸렸을 때보다 심각했달까
My throat condition was worse than when I had COVID-19.

the worst.

국내콘 라이브도 그래서 조곰 아쉽다
That's why it's sad to see you at the concert in Korea.

"약은 먹으면 졸리는 약인가.??"
"I get sleepy when I take medicine. Is it medicine?"

요번 약은 졸리진 않네용 헤헤 쌩쌩합니다
I'm not sleepy this time. I'm alive and well.