2022 11 11 3611
오랜만에 비가 오는군
It's been a while since it rained.
그나저나 이 게시물 사진들 맘에 들지요
By the way, I like the photos in this post.
지짜 올리고 싶었는데 숙제로 제출 했던거라
I really wanted to upload it, but I submitted it as homework.
못 올리고 있었덩
I couldn't upload it.
탈락된 사진들이야 ㅋㅡㅋ
These are the pictures that got eliminated.
찍는 내내 무서워 죽는줄
I was scared to death.
"아하😂 왜 탈락된거디😂😂"
"Aha 😂 Why are you eliminated? 😂😂"
더 잘나온게 있거둔요옹
There's a better one.Yes.
저기서 나름 많이 건졌는데
I got a lot from there.
엄청나게 무서웠어서 최대한 빨리 찍느라
I was so scared to film it as fast as I could.
처음 찍은 사진과 마지막 사진 시간 보니까
Looking at the time of the first and last pictures,
4분 차이얔ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4 minutes difference.(Laughs)
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ많이높아? 탐탐탐 보니까 진솔이 놀이기구도 못타던데 고소공포증 심한가바"
"(Laughs) (Laughs)Is it really high? I saw that JinSoul can't even ride rides. She's afraid of heights."
몇 층인진 기억안나는데 그냥 좀 높은 곳에서 아래 보면 온 몸에 소름이 쫘악 돋는 편
I don't remember which floor it is, but if I look down from a high place, I get goosebumps all over my body.
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ그럼 롤러코스터 이런거는 탈 수 잇어?"
"(Laughs)Then can you ride a roller coaster?"
타 본적이 없음!
I've never ridden!
"예림이만 행복하고 겁에질린 두 언니들이 기억나는데 탄적이 없다뇨"
"I remember Yerim being happy and scared, but she's never been on it.Nyo!"
그건 롤러코스터라고 하기엔,,,
It's not like a roller coaster.
"그거 감수하고도 찍을 정도로 배경이 예뻐보였던 거야 아니면 보낼 사진이 부족해서 이젠 물러설 수가 없다 이랬던 거야 "
"Did the background look pretty enough to take a picture of it, or did he say he couldn't back down because he didn't have enough pictures to send?"
전 후자 둘다
I like the latter.