2022 11 07 3535

"인정 십구년 살아보니 알겠다"
"I admit it. I've been living here for 19 years."

그 땐 열심히 살았지 나
I worked hard back then.

"전 소소하게 20억만..."
"I'll just give you 2 billion..."

go too far

"20억이면 그나마 아파트 하나 나오는데??"
"If it's 2 billion won, you'll get an apartment."

월세만 살아도 돼요,,
You can only buy monthly rent.

넘나 비싸다
It's too expensive.

"드림하우스 있나요"
"Is there a dream house?"

방한칸만 있으면 좋슴니다 지금보다만 넓다면
If it's wider than now, I'd like to have a cold compartment.

뭘 바래~!~!
What do you want?

수준에 맞게 목표를 세우는
Set goals according to the level.



아니 둥둥씨들
No, you guys.

전 서울이 본가라 사실 집 안필요한디요
I don't need a house because I live in Seoul.

왜 자꾸,,
Why do you keep...

"우리가 그녀에게 집을 사주겠다고 하면 그녀는 어떻게 할 것인가? ㅋㅋㅋ"
"What will she do if we buy her a house? LOL"

전혀 안 믿는다
I don't believe it at all.

"단체숙소시절이 그립진않아?"
"Don't you miss the group dorm days?"

음 네,,
Well, yes.

12명 한 집은 좀 무리였달까
It was too much for 12 people to live together.

재미는 있음
It's fun.

매일매일 수학여행 떠난 기분
I feel like I'm on a school trip every day.

근데 개인공간이 아예 없는건 서로 불편하니까 ㅠㅠ
But it's uncomfortable for each other to have no personal space at all.

"12명이 한 집에 사는데 각자 방 있는건 어때 ??"
"12 people live in the same house, so how about each room?"

옹 그러면 전 갠춘
Oh, then I'll go with Gichun.

그런 집이 있을까요?
Is there a house like that?

(Laughs)T, T, T, T.

"진소울은 개인적인 공간을 즐긴다. 멤버들 아파트에 초대해 본 적 있어요?"
"JinSoul enjoys personal space. Have you ever invited the members to an apartment?"

음,, 초반에만 몇번,,? 요즘엔 진솔이만
How many times in the beginning? These days, JinSoul is the only one.


윽 3인칭 쓰니까 우웩이다
Wow, it's a third person.


"20대 후반되기전에 미리 써"
"I use it before I reach my late 20s."

응 안써~ 평생 안써~
No, I won't. I'll never use it.

"진솔이 나이만 26살이지 행동은 되게 애 라니까ㅋㅋ"
"Jinsol is 26 years old, but her behavior is very young."

Only for our fans.

여기서 진지하게만 하면 우울하다고 분위기 바꾸자한단 말이야
If I do it seriously, I get depressed and I want to change the mood.

둥둥이 텐션 맞추기가 제일 어려워
It's the hardest to get excited.

"아까 돈얘기 좀 우울했음"
"I was a little depressed about money earlier."

근데 그거 알아? 난 그런 현실적인 얘기 좋아해 ㅎㅡㅎ
But you know what? I like realistic stories like that.


전에 했던 ‘친구’ 라는 주제로 한 얘기들도
We talked about "Friend" before.

그렇고 뭔가 진지하게 하나의 주제로
I think it's a very serious topic.k.

경험을 공유하며 얘기하는거 좋아하는 편
I like to share experiences and talk.

"진돌이도 나때는 이런 얘기 좋아해?"
"Jindol, do you like this kind of talk when you were me?"

음,, 기억이 잘 안나서 좋아하진 않는 들
Well, I don't like them because I don't remember them well.

as if

"오늘 이빈후과 썰 풀어주세여!"
"Tell us about today's episode of Lee Bin's department!"

새로운 곳을 다녀왔는데 되게 처음 듣는 진료 방법이였달까
I went to a new place and it was my first time hearing about it.

결론은 식단조절과 수면패턴조절, 그리고 집안에 가습기를 놔야한다는 조언을 들었오
In conclusion, I was advised to control my diet, control my sleep pattern, and keep a humidifier in my house.

가습기 안그래도 어제 샀는데
I actually bought a humidifier yesterday.

뭔가 맘에 안들어서 다시 살라거
I don't like something, so I'll buy it again.

"아니 근데 평생 이렇게 살아도 문제 없었던 건데 바꾸면 낫나..?"
"No, but there was no problem living like this all my life, but will it be better if I change it?"

그러니카 그게 나도 신기하긴 함
That's amazing to me too.

"누적돼서 그런가 보지 의사선생님 말 따르는게 좋지"
"Maybe it's because it's accumulated. It's better to follow the doctor's advice."

마자 그렁가봐
I guess so.

생각난김에 쿠팡을 킨다
I'm turning on Coupang while thinking about it.

그냥 어제 산걸로 켜놨음
I just turned on the one I bought yesterday.

근데 가습기는 어따 놔야할까
But where should I put the humidifier?

머리맡에 두기엔 좀 큰데
It's a bit big to keep by your bedside.

멀리 둬도 되나
Can I put it away?

"침대랑 가까우면 안 된대"
"It can't be close to the bed."

헐 어제 내 옆에 두고 잤더니 추워죽는줄
I thought I was going to die of cold because I slept next to me last night.

역시 둥둥이들은 똑똑해
Ddongdoongs are so smart.