2022 10 28 3494
"진짜 20대 초반이라 해도 믿을듯한 "
"Even if you're in your early 20s, you'll believe it."
(Laughs) (Laughs)
다들 할로윈 즐기고 있어?
Are you all enjoying Halloween?
나는 그냥 평범하게 보내는 중인데
I'm just spending a normal time.
내가 아싸라 그런가봐
I guess it's because I'm an outsider.
"브이앱에서 나간다며"
"I heard you're going to be on V LIVE."
칭구집에서 강아지랑 놀다옴
I played with my dog at Qinggu House.
아 인싸야?
Oh, you're an insider?
오랜만에 나왔어 어제도 방콕했는걸
It's been a while since I came out. I stayed home yesterday, too.
강아지 사진 너무 귀여워가지구
The picture of the dog was so cute.
제대로 올리고 싶은데
I want to upload it properly.
칭구한테 허락 맡아볼게요
I'll get permission from Qinggu.
애가 너무 귀여운데 낯가림이 심해서 나한테 잘 안와,,,
He is so cute but he is very shy, so he doesn't come to me often.
"혹시 진솔TV 에서 나온 그 강쥐야??"
"Is that the puppy from Jinsol TV?"
No, no!
허락 맡기전까지는 강아지 사진만 올리면
Before I ask for permission, if I post pictures of dogs,
둥둥이들이 허락안하니까
Since the members won't allow it,
내 얼굴 띡어볼게
Let me show you my face.
포즈추천 받아요
Please recommend a pose.
브이 볼콕 금잔디 ㅇㅋ
V-ball poking Geum Jandi. Okay.
오늘 좀 시간 걸릴듯
It's going to take some time today.
얼굴이 좀
My face is a bit...
"그럼 나중에 스케줄 있을 때 올려줘"
"Then post it when you have a schedule later."
노력해보려 했는데 괜찮다니까 포기할게
I tried, but it's okay. I'll give up.
That's cool.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
근데 나 오늘 마스카라 잘됨
But my mascara works well today.
오 일단 강아지사진 허락 맡았어
Oh, I got permission to take a picture of the dog.
G and D.
근데 금잔디포즈는 방에서 할려니 민망하다
But it's embarrassing to do Geum Jandi pose in my room.
giving up
오늘 블로그 작성 완료
Completed blogging today
탈락된 셀카
Selfies that are eliminated.