2022 10 22 3446
댓글 캡쳐해서 보여줘써요 히히
I captured the comments and showed them to you. Hehe.
고마워유 둥둥 🥴🫶🏻
Thank you very much 🥴🫶🏻
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ캡쳐한다니까 갑자기 더 보내주시넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Laughs)I said I'm going to capture it, but they're suddenly sending me more lol.
It's me, Chan.
"온니 뭐해여~~~"
"What are you doing?"
나 모하게
What am I going to do?
걸어댕기는 중
I'm walking.
힘들다 힘드러어
Tired. Tired.
어제 나가있는동안 환기시켰더니 모기 한 마리가 숙소에 들어와서 잠을 제대로 못 잤어
I ventilated it while I was out yesterday, and a mosquito came into my house and I couldn't sleep well.
오늘 낮에 돼서야 잡았어
I didn't catch him until this afternoon.
올해 숙소 첫 방문 모기인듯
I think it's the first mosquito to visit our dorm this year.
"와 나는 잡을때까지 못자는데 어케 낮까지 버텨써"
"Wow, I can't sleep until I catch it, but how did I hold out until the day?"
그래서 새벽 6시까지 버티다가 결국 잤더,,
So I held out until 6 a.m. and ended up sleeping.
내 하루 애완동물
My pet for the day.
안 물림 ㅋ
I can't bite you.
"진솔이 볼빨아묵어도돼?"
"JinSoul, can I wash your cheeks?"
"먼저 볼 빨아묵고 싶게 생겨놓고..."
"You look like you want to suck your cheeks first."
나 볼살은 없는뎅
I don't have cheek fat.
뼈임 ㅋ
It's a bone.
내 컴플렉스를 건들지마!
Don't touch my complex!
"얼굴살없는게 컴플렉스야?🥺"
"Is it a complex that you don't have fat on your face?🥺"
아녀 제 광대^.^
Oh, my cheekbones.^
실제로보면 글케 안심한데,, 그치,,
I feel so relieved when I see it in person, right?
"근데 걸으면서도 타자 잘 치넹"
"But you're good at typing while walking."
쟈철 놓침
Missed the season
King received.
"예전 브이앱에서 길 가다 운명적으로 만나면 번호 따여주신다고 하신거 아직 유효한가요?"
"Is it still valid that you said on the old V-app that if you meet fatefully on the street, you will ask for your number?"
번호요???? 저 그런말은 한 적 없는디
Number??? I never said that.
"운명적으로 만나면 같이 사진찍어주기는 가능한강ㅍ"
"It's possible to take a picture with me when we meet fate."
지금 얼굴은 ㄴㄴ,,
My face right now is no, no...