2022 10 21 3440
"진솔어 노래 추천좀"
"Please recommend a song in Jinsol."
그래쓰님의 도돌이표
The repeat sign of "Yes".
close one's eyes
It's running.
Help me.
It's a lie.
ㄹㅇ 간다
Here we go.
이러케 이른 새벽부터 공항에 나와주시구,, 댑악,,👍
You come to the airport from this early morning, dap! 👍
조심히 들어가세용 모두우
Go home safely, everyone.
Good night, Samu-se-nyeong.
오늘 날씨 좋네
The weather is nice today.
다들 조은 하루 보내용
Have a great day, everyone.
"나 드디어 새 폰이 왔어"
"I finally got a new phone."
It's so cute!
"헐 국제예대 1단계합격자발표 3시간 남았어..."
"Wow, there are only 3 hours left until the announcement of the first level of international art college."
허걱 두근두근
My heart is pounding.
"진도라 똑단발에서 이제 레이어드 컷 할 생각 있나?!"
"Do you have any thoughts on doing a layered cut with straight short hair?"
I don't have it's not here!
"앞머리 기르면서 머리도 같이 기르실건가용???"
"Are you going to grow out your hair while growing out your bangs?"
"그 실시간으로 바꾸다던 프사는 언제 올려?"
"When are you going to post that profile picture you said you'd change it to real time?"
실시간이 지나버렸으니까 올릴생각 없는뎅
I don't want to post it because it's past real time.
"염색은 ?_?"
"Dye your hair?"
나 머리 없어뎌
I don't have a head.
"언니 이번 할로윈은 바쁘시겠죠..??"
"You must be busy this Halloween, right?"
You're free, aren't
이번엔 계획이 없슴니다
I don't have a plan this time.
"진솔이 산리오 캐릭터 좋아하니
내가 아직 진솔이에 대해 모르는게 많은데
헬로키티를 좋아하니 마이멜로디를 좋아하니?"
"JinSoul, do you like Sanrio's character?
There's a lot I don't know about JinSoul yet.
Do you like Hello Kitty or My Melody?"
둘 다 딱히 안조아함
Neither of them is particularly elegant.
제가 마멜 조아하는 줄 아시는 분들이 많더라구용 키키
There are a lot of people who think I like marshmallows.
그냥 팬 분 선물이 좋았을 뿐
I just liked the gift from the fans.
마멜미니손거울은 항상 들고 다니긴해용
I always carry around a Mamel Mini hand mirror.
전 부~ 좋아해요
I like everything.
제 프사 얘가 부 에요!
My profile picture. This is Boo!
제 취향은 은근 한결같은데
My preference is pretty consistent.
둥둥씨들이 맨날 까먹을 뿐
Ddongdoongs always forget about it.
아 티엠아이지만
Ah, it's TMI.
전에 커스텀한다던 신발
The shoes you said you were going to customize before.
다시하려니 삘도 안오고 긔찮아서
I didn't feel any pain when I tried it again.
걍 범고래를 삼
Just take the killer whale.
"마자 리허설인가 언젠가 범고래 신고있더라 "
"He was wearing a killer whale one day after rehearsal."
방금 왔는데에,,?
I just got here.
십만원 차이나긴함
There's a difference of 100,000 won.
"조던 깔별로 모을 거니…"
"Are you going to collect Jordan by color?"
아뇨 전 검흰 무채색 신발만 있으면 평생 살아갈 수 있을 듯 합니다
No, I think I can live my whole life with black and white achromatic shoes.
"언니 요즘에 컨버스 안 신어?"
"You don't wear Converse these days?"
어제도 신었지롱
I wore them yesterday, too.
"언니는 검은 양말이 조아 흰 양말이 조아"
"Do you like black socks or white socks?"
흰 양말만 신는둣
a pair of white socks
"신발 뒷면 접는 걸 좋아하시던데, 신발이 빨리 부러지지 않나요?"
"You like folding the back of your shoes, doesn't it break quickly?"
앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ좋아하는 건 아니지만,, 귀찮아서,,,🥴
Oh, my.(Laughs)I don't like it, but I'm lazy, 🥴
"진솔이는 환승연애봐??"
"JinSoul, do you watch transfer relationships?"
봐야해 이번에 나온거
안그래도 필리핀에 가 있는데 친구가 계속 봤냐면서 물어봐가지고 하
You have to see the new one.
I was in the Philippines and my friend kept asking me if I saw it.
"진솔시 지난밤 아주 좋은 공연을 해주셔서 정말 감사합니다."
"Jinsol City, thank you so much for your great performance last night."
오빛도 함께 했잖아 🥴
응원봉 많이 들고 있어서 얼마나 뿌듯했는데!
Orbit was with you 🥴
I was so proud to have so many light sticks!
빼빼로 하나 먹고 나갈 준비해야지
I'm going to eat Pepero and get ready to go out.
"언니는 현규해은 vs 현규나언 !!? "
"What about you? Hyun Kyu Haeun vs Hyun Kyu Naun?"
읭? 태이님나언님이지
What? It's Tae-nim and Na-nim.
"언니 빼빼로 취향 누드 빼빼로일거 같아 아님말구"
"I think your Pepero preference is nude Pepero or not."
이번 화 보면 달라져?
Does this episode make a difference?
ㅇㅋ 보고 말해줄게
Okay, I'll look at it and tell you.