2022 10 20 3419

호텔에 도착해서 쉬고 있는 중
I arrived at the hotel and am resting.

먹은거 별로 없는데 체해서 가만히 짐만 기다리는 중,,
I haven't eaten much, but I'm just waiting for my luggage because I have an upset stomach.

"ㅜ 푹쉬어랑 이번 룸메는 누구양 "
"Take a good rest and who's your roommate this time?"

It's everyone's room.

근데 호텔이 거의 본가보다 넓은거 같은데
I think the hotel is bigger than my parents' house.

너무 좋아,,,
It's so good.

호캉스를 누리고 싶은 곳,,,
A place where you want to enjoy a hotel vacation.

"얼마나 넓깅래 그러지 궁금하닥 혼자쓰면 심심하지않아?"
"I'm curious how wide it is. Isn't it boring to use it alone?"

전 혼자하는 생활 좋아요 ㅎㅎ
I like living alone.

방콕은 역시 혼자에요
Bangkok is always alone.

"그럼 체한 거 같아서 기내식도 안드신건가요..?"
"Then you didn't even eat the in-flight meal because you seemed to have an upset stomach?"

아뇽 그냥 타기전에 간단히 먹어서 안 먹었어유,,
No, I didn't eat it because I just ate it before getting on it.

"필리핀 오빛들이 나와주셨다면서~~\"
"I heard ORBIT from the Philippines came out.\"

마자요 귀엽게 모여계시더라구오 히히
Yes, they're all cute. Hehehe.

"진도리 호텔 방 혼자쓸때 뭐행?"
"What do you do when you use the hotel room alone?"

그냥 별거 안해여,, 숙소 혼자 있을 때랑 똑같움
I just don't do much, it's the same as when I'm alone in the dorm.

"화장 안 지우고 지울까말까 하고 있지? ㅋㅋㅋ"
"You're thinking about whether to remove your makeup or not, right? LOL"

짐이 안와서 못지움
I couldn't erase it because my luggage didn't come.

"진솔아 노래 하나 추천 좀"
"JinSoul, please recommend a song."

그래쓰님의 도돌이표!
The repeat sign of "Yes"!

셀카를 달라구여?
You want a selfie?

지짜 죄송하지만 컨디션이 조치않아
I'm really sorry, but I'm not feeling well.

전에 찍은 셀카로 대체
Replace with the selfie I took before.

이걸 보여줄걸
I should've shown you this.

"언니 지금 심심한거 같음"
"I think you're bored right now."

아니,, 아까 너무 단호하게 거절한게 미안해서,, 신경쓰여서 그럼
No, I'm sorry for rejecting you so firmly earlier, because I'm worried.

저눈 일단 짐이 와서 잘 준비를 하도록 하게씀다!
First of all, the snow will come and get ready to sleep!

잘 준비 끄읕
Get ready to sleep.