2022 10 17 3391


아 이따올게
I'll be back later.


편지읽고 왔음
I read the letter.

Thank you ^.^

"혹시 팹 편지도 읽었어??"
"Did you read Fab's letter?"

지금 팹 편지를 말한것임니다!
I'm talking about the Fab letter!

어젠 너무 정신이 없어서 간단하게만 소감을 말하고 따로 소통을 못해서 지금 이렇게 왔슴둥
I was so busy yesterday that I couldn't communicate with you separately, so I'm here right now.

"팹 편지 생각 날때마다 읽는 편이야..?"
"Do you read Fab's letter whenever you think of it?"

넹 오면 바로 보는 스타일 카톡에 알림 와있는거 못 보는 스타일이라,, 이 편지함도 뭔가 쌓여있으면 안될 것 같은 느낌
Yes, I watch it right away. I can't see the notification on Kakaotalk. I don't think this inbox should be piled up.

"콘서트 tmi 더주세요^^"
"Please give us more concert TMI.^^"

어떤 것이 궁금하신가요옹
What are you curious about?Yes.

"끝나고 더 울었나여"
"Did I cry more after it was over?"

아뇨 전혀 안움
No, not at all.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

아 동네친구들과 사진 찍다가
I was taking pictures with my neighborhood friends.

건진 아주 해피해보이는 얼굴 있는데
He looks so happy.

It's funny.

심지어 동네친구들은
Even my friends in the neighborhood friends...

사진 안찍냐고 하니까 뭐 자주 볼텐데 뭐하러 찍어~ 하다가 아 나 샵메이크업 했으니까 찍자~! 해서 띡음
I asked him if he wasn't going to take pictures, and he said, "Why are you taking pictures?" And he said, "Since I'm wearing makeup at the shop, let's take pictures!"

"연습때있던 재밌는일들 😀"
"Fun things that happened during practice 😀"

음,,, 연습을 급한 일정으로 하다보니까 즐길 여유는 없었지만 오랜만에 현규쌤과 함께 레슨을 해서 재밌기도 했고, 또 솔로곡를 하는 것에 대해선 아주 좋았어유
Well, I didn't have time to enjoy it because I was in a hurry to practice, but it was fun to have a lesson with Teacher Hyun-kyu after a long time, and it was very good to do a solo song.

"해외 투어랑 이번 서울콘이랑 달랐던 점??"
"What was the difference between the overseas tour and the Seoul concert?"

돌출무대가 아마 가장 큰 차이점이 아닐까 싶어유 왜냐면 본무대에서만 노는거와 돌출로 나가서 뛰어노는 그 느낌은 정말 다르거든요
I think the biggest difference is the thrust stage. It's really different from playing only on the main stage.

"솔로곡 연습을 즐기면서 해서 본 무대를 그렇게 잘했구나.. 3년만에 한다면서 왤케 잘하나 했어👍👍"
"I enjoyed practicing my solo song, so I realized that I did such a good job on the main stage. I was wondering why you're doing so well when you said it's been 3 years. 👍👍"

이틀 연속했으면 제대로 즐겼을텐데, 오랜만에 하는 거여서 더욱 잘해야한다는 부담감과 걱정, 책임감들이 더 컸기 때문에 사실 머릿속은 엄청나게 바빴어요 헤헤,,, 뭔가 여유롭게 하지 못한 느낌이라 아쉽달까
If I had done it for two days in a row, I would have enjoyed it. It's been a while, so I felt more pressure, worry, and responsibility to do better. So I was really busy in my head. hehe,,, It's a bummer that I couldn't do it in a relaxed way.

"이고이스트 피처링 무대 비하인드도 알려조!!!! 턱 쓰다듬는 아이디어 누가 낸 거야?? 🔥🔥"
"Tell us about the behind-the-scenes of the featuring performance of IGOIST! Who came up with the idea of stroking your chin? 🔥🔥"

그건 제가 냈어용 희진이랑 낫프렌즈 뮤비에서 했던 제스처가 인기 많길래 그런 느낌으로 가면 어떨까 싶어서!
The gestures I made in the music video with Heejin were popular, so I thought it would be good to do it like that.

원래 뮤비에서처럼 귀에 속삭이는 걸 할라하다가 무대 위에선 잘 안보일 것 같아서!
I was going to whisper in my ears like in the music video, but I thought you wouldn't be able to see it well on stage.

이고이스트랑 싱더레 의상 디자인은
The design of Igoist and Sinderre's outfits...

제가 아이디어 낸건데 어때요
I came up with the idea. What do you think?

제가 아이디어 낸 시안 그대로 준비해주셔서 감사했지요,,🥴
Thank you for preparing the draft that I came up with, 🥴

"싱더레 의상 전에 팹에서 프사로 보여주고 말해줬었잖아 그때 은근슬쩍 스포한거야? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"You showed me your profile picture at Fab before your outfit at Sinderre. Did you give a small spoiler then? (Laughs)"

아 아뇽 전 싱더레 때 아예 다른 걸 입을 줄 알았는데 입었던 옷들 중에서 선택하라고 하셔서 고민하다가
No, I thought I'd wear something completely different for "Sindere", but they told me to choose from the clothes I wore, so I thought about it.

다른 옷들은 그 전 콘서트에서 입은 것들이랑 비슷한 느낌이여서 이 드레스를 리폼이 가능한지,, 여쭤보고 시안을 보내드렸었어요!
The other clothes are similar to the ones I wore at the previous concert, so I asked if I could reform this dress and sent you a draft!

"가죽바지 입고 돌출 돌아다니기 힘들었죠 😂"
"It was hard to walk around in leather pants. 😂"

아뇽 앉을때만 힘들던뎅
No, it's only hard when I sit down.

꽃가루가 너무 많이 있어서 미끄러워보였달까
It looked slippery because there were so many pollen.

"첫날 다른 멤버들 솔로무대할때는 뒤에서 그냥 모니터했어? 🤓"
"On the first day, did you monitor the other members' solo performances? 🤓"

피처링 준비요,,, 쉴 틈이 없슴니다
I'm preparing for the featuring... There's no time to rest.

"약간 솔로곡 바꾸기 기대했는데 까비"
"I was looking forward to changing my solo song. So close."

난 싫어! 내 싱더레 한번밖에 안해봐서 싱더레 하고 싶었어
I don't like it! I've only done it once, so I wanted to do it.

"화려하지만 안보이는 곳서는 매우 바쁜 이달소"
"LOONA is very busy in places that are fancy but not visible."

이번이 의상이 정말 다양해서 옷 갈아입고 수정하는데 시간이 정말 촉박하더라구오,,, 타임어택,,,🥲
There are so many different outfits this time, so I really ran out of time to change and fix my clothes.

"어떤의상이 가장 맘에들어써???"
"Which outfit do you like the most???"

전 씽더레의상!
I'm wearing the outfit for "Stingerre".

아 근데 이번엔 못고르겠다악
But I can't choose this time.Yikes

빨강도 가죽도 좋앙
I like red and leather.

전 이만 쉬러 가게씀둥
I'm going to go rest now.

Oh, my.