2022 10 15 3374

다 개인적으로 보내져서
Everything was sent to me personally.

being cursed at

‘테스트’ 이렇게만 보냈더니
"Test." I only sent it like this.

What are you doing?


이런 반응과
This reaction and...

왜 나 가지고 테스트 해?
Why are you testing with me?

Like this.

(Laughs) (Laughs)


1번 혜주 2번 하수영
Number 1. Hyejoo. Number 2, Ha Soo Young.

안된단걸 알고 바로 사과해서 나머진 답안옴
I apologized as soon as I knew it wouldn't work, and the rest of the answers came.

아 그래도 하슬이는
Ah, but Haseul...

췤 해줌
Check it for you.

와 김정은,,,,,,,
Wow, Kim Jong-un,

지금 답왔는데
I just got the answer.

Someone said, "Who are you?

내 번호 모르나봐,,,,
I guess you don't know my number.

아 립이 폰 잃어버렸지
Ah, Lip lost her phone.

That's possible.

잘 ~ 자 ~
Good night.

"늦은 밤에 죄동합니다만 ,,, 오늘 콘서트 중간에 눈싸움한 오빛인데 기억나나요 ????? 🔥🔥🔥"
"I'm sorry for the late night, but do you remember Orbit who had a snowball fight in the middle of the concert today? 🔥🔥🔥"

눈싸움한 오빛이 좀 많은 것 같다,,,,,,,,,
I think there are a lot of Orbit who had a snowball fight.

뭐 하트와 안녕~! 하는 건 기본이구,,
Hearts and bye! It's basic to do it.

아 어떤 분 필카 들고 계시길래 포즈 취했는데
Someone was holding a film camera, so I posed.

플래쉬가 안나와서 엥 했어
The flash didn't come out, so I did it.

플래쉬 🙅🏻‍♀️? 이랬는데 못 알아들으셔서 그냥 지나감
Flash 🙅🏻♀️? But they didn't understand, so I just passed by.

아 잡혀가요?
Oh, they're getting caught?

in a heap

방해안되게 찍으면 되는 줄
I thought I can take it without disturbing you.

"누나가 오늘 한 둥둥이를 구속시킨거에요.."
"Your sister arrested a dung-doong today."


아 근데 항상 달소콘 할때마다 앵콜곡 정도에서만 폰 촬영 허용 했었던 것 같다
But I think I was allowed to shoot my phone only for encore songs whenever I did Dalso Concert.

지금 둥둥씨들의 의견이 다 달라
Everyone has different opinions.

누군 된다하고 누군 오늘도 안됐대
Someone said it's okay and someone said it's not working today either.

움 저도 이번 콘서트에선 정확한 규칙,,? 이라고 해야할까요 그걸 못들어서 내일 다시 확인해봐야겠네요
Um, should I say the exact rules for this concert? I didn't hear that, so I'll have to check it again tomorrow.

잊어버릴수도 있지만,,, 호호
I might forget, but...

정신없이 또 준비해야하거둥
I have to get ready.

그러므로 전 이제 잘겁니다
So I'm going to sleep now.

Good night.

오늘도 맛난 도시락을 준비해주신 오빛둥들 덕분에 배불리 배 채우고 열심히 콘서트 준비하는 중!
Thanks to ORBIT who prepared delicious lunch boxes, I'm full and preparing hard for the concert!

오늘 와주신 둥둥씨들 너무너무 감사해요 🫶🏻 오늘 잊지못할 추억 또 하나 적립했네요 살앙해요 🤍
Thank you so much for coming today. 🫶🏻 I made another unforgettable memory today. I love you 🤍

감동적인 댓글들이 아주 많네요
There are so many touching comments.

오늘도 정말 무대하면서 오빛의 힘이 대단한 걸 느꼈어요 리허설 때만 해도 한 번만 춰도 힘들던 무대들이 콘서트 하는 중엔 하나도 안 힘들더라구요 정말
I felt the power of ORBIT while performing today. Even during rehearsals, it was hard to dance once, but it wasn't hard at all during the concert. Really

항상 무대하면서 느끼지만 신기할 정도로,,
I always feel it on stage, but it's amazing.

완전함의 의미는 자고 일어나서 설명해드리죠 ㅎ
I'll explain the meaning of completeness after I wake up.

진돌 졸려요,,
Jindol is sleepy.

맘 같아선 둥둥씨들이랑 떠들고싶지만
I'd love to talk to you,

내일 떠들도록 하죠
Let's talk tomorrow.

Good night. 🏻

글 올라올때까지 기다릴구얌
I'll wait until you post something.

글이 안올라오넴,,
The writing is not coming up.