2022 10 14 3362
낼 오시는 부운
Boo Woon coming tomorrow.
생각보다 관객석이 많이 가깝더군요
The audience seats were closer than I thought.
또 어색한 순간이 찾아올수도
There could be another awkward moment.
걱정되는건 금발앞머리는 땀나도 잘 안보였지만 검은머리는 너무 잘 보여,,,,
What worries me is that I couldn't see blonde bangs well even though I was sweating, but I can see black hair very well.
"보고 싶어 A에서.. 난 B..완전 가까운데..교환 못하면.. "
"I miss you from A... I'm very close to B.If I can't exchange..."
오늘 리허설 해보니까 그런거 상관없이 어디든 자주 다닐 수 있더라 ㅎㅡㅎ
After rehearsing today, I could go anywhere often regardless of that.
니트 덕분에 오늘 하루 더욱 힘들었나봐,,
I guess I had a hard day thanks to the knitwear.
내일을 위해 오늘은 진짜 일찍 자야게따
I should go to bed really early for tomorrow.
오시는 둥둥씨들도 굿밤 되시길🤍
I hope you all have a good night. 🤍
"1시가 일찍..?"
"1 o'clock is early?"
리허설이 11시 넘어서 끝났는걸 🥲
Rehearsal ended past 11 o'clock.
Good Baam
내일 밤은 공연보고 난 설레임으로 잠 설쳐야하니까 많이 자둬요 키키
Tomorrow night, I have to sleep with excitement after the concert, so sleep a lot, Kiki.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
오빛의 살앙이 담긴 도시락 먹는 중
I'm eating a lunch box with Orbit's flesh.
Oh, my.
Wait a minute.
글 올라오면 놀자
Let's play when the comments come up.
돈 애껴
Spare money.
일단 돈 쓰신것들은 잘 읽어보는중
I'm reading what you spent.
예를 들어 실물후기ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
For example, a physical review.(Laughs)