2022 09 26 3219
근데 뭐 다시 들어보니까 비슷한디?
But when I listen to it again, it's similar.
마지막 파트는 가성으로 해달라구 디렉해주셔서 바뀐거구
The last part was changed because they directed me to sing falsetto.
둥둥씨들이 슬프게 들어서 그런거일수도
Maybe it's because you guys are sad.
"일본앨범 헤메스 개이뿐데 셀카 없어"
"I only have hair and makeup in my Japanese album, but I don't have a selfie."
셀카는 있는데 포카로 뭐 썼는지 확인을 안해줘서 못 올리는 중
I have a selfie, but I can't upload it because I didn't check what I wrote with the photo card.
확인이 지금 10일 경과째
It's been 10 days.
그래 애플도 3주를 기다리니까,,
Yes, Apple also waits for three weeks.
"네? 진솔이가 그냥 찾아보는게 빠를정도인데ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"What? JinSoul is just quick to look it up lol. (Laughs) (Laughs)"
사실 다 이미 찾아봄
I've already looked it up.
다 심심하시구나
Everyone is bored.
전 안심심
I don't care.
"그 물어보신 이유는 뭘까요?"
"Why did you ask that?"
널 알고싶어사
I want to know you.
"거창한 말로 포장하지마 이미 상처 받음"
"Don't use big words. You're already hurt."
Bye bye.
"언니가 알고싶은게 머야? 다 말해줄게"
"What do you want to know? I'll tell you everything."
왜 안자?
Why aren't you asleep?
"언니랑 같은 이유"
"The same reason as you."
난 10시에 일어나서인데 너도니?
I wake up at 10 o'clock and you too?
"자장가 불러줘 싫으면 자장면 사주던가 "
"Sing me a lullaby. If you don't like it, buy me jajangmyeon."
진도리 목 아픈데 너가 불러줄까?
My neck hurts in Jindo-ri, do you want me to sing it for you?
"마누라가 잠에 들어야 나도 자지,, 음하하하"
"When my wife falls asleep, I sleep too, hmmm hahaha"
남편이 집엔 왜 안들어오나
Why isn't my husband coming home?
"난 상황극 못하겠어😂"
"I can't do a skit. 😂"
이게 상황극으로 보여?
Does this look like a skit?
정 답
the right answer
"보는거도 조금 힘들긴해"
"It's a little hard to watch."
하는건 더 힘들긴해
It's harder to do.
"눈 감염은 어떤가요? 그들은 이제 괜찮나요?"
"How is the eye infection? Are they all right now?"
녜 괜찮아졌다고 말 한적이 없었나? 눈 완전 괜찮습니다!
Yeah, didn't I ever tell you I'm fine? My eyes are totally okay!
"그럼 이제 딴 얘기하자"
"Let's talk about something else."
주제는 창희님이 정해볼게요
Changhee will choose the topic.
빠른 댓글 부탁드려요
Please leave a comment.
"추천곡 있으신가요"
"Any song recommendations?"
Song recommendation.
"정말 대-박👏 대-박👏"
"Really big gourd 👏 big gourd 👏"
이 영혼없는,,,
This soulless...
"보니까 윰세포2 ost던데 언니두 드라마보면 ost꽂혀서 듣는것같아유"
"I saw that Yum Cell 2 OST. When I watch your drama, I feel like I'm hooked on OST."
음 그거보단
슈퍼밴드2 보고나서부터 팬이 됐슴둥
Well, rather than that,
I became a fan after watching Super Band 2.
전 오월오일, 터치드 조아해요
I like May 5th, Touched.
둥둥씨들 친구의 친구가 다 밴드분들이시네,,
All the friends of the Dungdoongs are band members.
Insider Party,,,
"내가 아는 밴드는 네이버 밴드 뿐인데 우하하하"
"The only band I know is the Naver band, hahaha."
(Laughs) (Laughs)
난 데일밴드
I want a dale band.
"진솔이는 밴드 결성하면 보컬이야?"
"JinSoul, are you a vocalist when you form a band?"
아뇨 매니저님할래요,,
No, I want to do it, manager.
공연하는 사진찍고
We took pictures of the concert.
영상편집하고 재밌겠는걸
It's going to be fun to edit the video.
저 뽑아가주세요
Please pick me.
"열정페이인데 괜찮아?"
"It's passion pay. Are you okay?"
일당 5만원은 주시면 안되나요?
Can't you give me 50,000 won a day?
5만원이면 교통비에 밥값에 다 나가겠네,,
If it is 50,000 won, it will cost all the money for transportation and food.
근데 좋아하는 공연 즐기며 일하면
열정페이도 행복할 것 같애
But if you work while enjoying your favorite performances,
I think passion pay will be happy, too.
1년에 한 두번 정도면 뭐,,
Maybe once or twice a year.
공연 보러가고싶당
I want to go to the concert.
하는거랑 보는거랑 너무 다르자나요 ㅠ
It's so different to watch and do it.
"ㄴㄷㄴㄷ 락페스티벌 이런거는 어때"
"How about a rock festival?"
가본적이 없오,,
I've never been there.
음 그냥 제가 평소에 자주 언급했던 아티스트 분들은 꼭 라이브로 보고 싶달까
I just wanted to see the artists that I mentioned often live.
"여러분은 전에 선배님에게 콘서트에 초대받은 적이 있나요?"
"Have you ever been invited to a concert by a senior before?"
I don't have one.
갑쟈기 빙수 먹궆다
eat shaved ice all of a sudden.
난 유튭보러 간다용
I'm going to watch YouTube.
다들 잘자용
Good night, everyone.