2022 09 19 3143

"납작 복숭아 먹었어요? 달고 짱맛있다던데 "
"Did you eat flat peaches? I heard it's sweet and delicious."

그냥 백도복숭아 딱복 맛이에용
It just tastes like white peach.

생활패턴이 최악이쥬
My life pattern is the worst.

2시간전에 자다 일났쥬
I woke up two hours ago.

다시 자야쥬
You should go back to sleep.

배고파서 못자게꾼 히히
I can't sleep because I'm hungry.

먹고 자야지 히히
I'm going to eat and sleep.

왜이래 히히 왜 자끄 보내는겨
What's wrong? Why are you sending me away?

어제 조금 먹었긴했네여
I did eat a little yesterday.woman

아니 어제 낙지덮밥에
Yesterday, I had rice with octopus.

밥이 겁나 조금 들어있었어여
There was a lot of rice in it.

숨은 밥 찾기 정도
Like finding hidden food.

그리고 꽈배기2개 끝
And two twisted bread sticks. That's it.

적게 먹어찌 나름
I didn't eat much.

치킨 먹을거에요
I'm going to eat chicken.

전 지금부터 오늘이 시작
From now on, today is the beginning.

엥 그러고보니 어제도 5시쯤 일났으니 얼추 비슷하네여
Come to think of it, I woke up around 5 o'clock yesterday, so it's pretty similar.


"지금 치킨 배달이 되는 이곳 한국"
"This place where chicken is delivered to Korea."

6시까지길래 아침에 먹으려고 시켰는데 지금 먹어야게써
It was until 6 o'clock, so I ordered it for breakfast, but I should eat it now.