2022 09 16 3114

여러분 다들 아이돌슈타인 안보셨나봐요?
I guess you haven't seen Idolstein yet.

조회수가 안본느낌인데
I don't think I've seen the view count.

(안 본 사람이 당당하게 뭐라하는 중)
(The person who didn't watch is saying something confidently)

머리 긴 정진솔 적응안되네
JinSoul with long hair. I can't get used to it.

왜케 길어
Why is it so long?

근데 저거 오빛들 이유 쓴거 왜케 논리적이야
Why is ORBIT's reason so logical?

편집돼서 그러치 진짜 신박했었는데,,
It was really new because it was edited.

공트올려따 둥둥이들이 조아할만한 옷ㅎ
Clothes that would be liked by the members of the club.

잘 준비를 해야하는데 말이쥬
I need to get ready for bed.

항상 참 귀찮아
It's always annoying.

루미너스 뮤비가 나왔네용 다들 보셨나요
Luminus music video came out. Did you all watch it?

전 일어나자마자 봐찌롱
I watch it as soon as I wake up.

루미너스 사진 올리고싶은데
I want to post pictures of Luminus.

그 때 첫번째 세트 촬영이자 15분만에 촬영이 끝나서 사진이 없네,,,?
It was the first set shoot and in 15 minutes, I don't have any pictures because I finished filming.

지짜 파트만 후다닥
Just the ziza part.

"털어서?나오면 1장애 1대 입니다?"
"Shake it off? If it comes out, it's one disability?"

녜 자신있는데요ㅠ 진솔한 사람입니다만
Yes, I'm confident. I'm an honest person.ten thousand

포카용 셀카들은 있당!
There are selfies for photo cards!

검정옷은 진짜 없어,,
There is really no black clothes.

런던 날씨가 엄청 춥다아
It's very cold in London.

Come on.

한국 30도 찍었다구여?
It's 30 degrees in Korea?

미쳐따아 우린 가을날씨로 살고있었눈데에
This is crazy. We were living in autumn weather.

전 이제 한국갑니다용
I'm going to Korea now.

See you later. Oh!

지금 160단계거든요 오로지 오늘은 패드로만 해서 얼마나 깰지,,,
I'm in the 160th stage. I'm only going to break it with a pad today.

지짜 한숨도 못자구 왔오,,, 게임은 그냥 즉당히 했고,,
I didn't sleep a wink, I just played the game right away.

오늘도 보러와주셔서 감사합늬다,,🥴
Thank you for coming to see me again today.🥴

진돌 잔다
Jindol is sleeping.

It's not much time left, but...