2022 09 12 3071

I'm looking for it.

예전에 학원에서 저에게 거리에서 불러준 학원꼬마 썰 기억나시는 분
Do you remember the story of a kid who sang it to me on the street?

뭔가 닮아서 들어가봤는데 목소리가 비슷하네
I went in because I looked like him, but his voice is similar.

Don't tell me...🤔

"뭐가 닮아..?"
"What do you mean?"

앨범커버에 얼굴이,,?
Is the face on the album cover...?

It's amazing.

이런 우연이~!
What a coincidence!

이러면서 나의 나이가 실감이,,
Like this, I realize my age.

정말 꼬마였던 것 같은데,,,,
I think he was a real kid.

나 많이 나이가,, 들었구나,,,
I am very old.

"설마 진돌이 학교다닐때 놀토잇고 그랫던건 아니지? 😂"
"You didn't play Saturday when you went to school, did you? 😂"

있었는데여,,, 2주 격주로 쉬고,,,
I had a break every other week.

"요즘 많이 피곤하고 바쁘실텐데 예전처럼 팹 메ㅣ시지 다 읽어보시나요??"
"You must be very tired and busy these days, do you read all the fab messages like before?"

Of course.

제가 자주 안와서 그런지 둥둥씨들도 많이 안오시더라구요 킄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I don't know if it's because I don't come often, but many people don't come either. (Laughs)(Laughs)

아 그리고 시차가 한국은 새벽 5-6시쯤이라 그런지 댓글이 몇 개 없어요
And the time difference in Korea is around 5-6am, so there aren't many comments.

"진도리 메세지 보내는 사람들 프로필 보거나 메세지 한 사람 거 모아보거나 하는 기능도 있오??"
"Is there a function that allows you to see the profile of those who send Jindo-ri messages or collect messages?"

댓글 모아보기 기능은 있습니당 ㅎ
There is a function to collect comments.

"내 댓글만 안보이나봐 😂 하트가 예전보다 많이 줄었어 🥺 그치만 괜찮아 진솔이도 많이 바쁜 거 다 아니깐 하하

"I guess you can't see my comment only 😂 The number of hearts decreased a lot than before 🥺 But it's okay JinSoul is also very busy because she knows haha

이런 댓글은 일부러 답 안하는데 이 말을 하기 위해 공개로 달아버리기
I don't reply to comments like this on purpose. To say this, I'm going to post it publicly.

개인 댓글을 안 달아준다고 뭔가 오해를 하시는 분들 가끔 계시는데 아무 생각 없고,, 자주 못 들어오니까 전체소통 위주로 하게 되는 것일뿐입니다용 😘
They won't leave any personal comments. There are people who misunderstand. I don't have any thoughts... I can't come in often, so I'm just talking to everyone.Dragon 😘

"언니 왜 음성메시지 안 보내요🥺"
"Why aren't you sending me a voice message?🥺"

DD들이 번역 어렵대애
DD says it's hard to translate.

"누가 진돌이 흑발은 잘생겻고 금발은 예쁘고 네이비는 무섭대 ㅋㅋ"
"Someone said Jindol black hair is handsome, blonde hair is pretty, and navy is scary."

엥 네이비가 젤 예쁘다 했는데
They said navy is the prettiest.

다 개취야 어차피 말 안들을거야 흥
It's all personal preference anyway. I won't listen to you.

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 어차피 진도리 마음대로 할거면서"
"(Laughs) (Laughs) You're going to do whatever you want anyway."

아뇨? 맘대로는 못하죠. 레드 하고 싶었다니까요 🥹
No, I can't. I wanted to do red. 🥹

옷 매치할땐 그래도 흑발이 편하긴 해,,
Black hair is more comfortable when matching clothes.

"헐 레드 넘 보고싶다 내가 함 말해볼게 전화번호 조바!!!! ㅎㅎ"
"Oh, I want to see Red Num. I'll tell you the phone number, Jova! Haha"

실장님 번호를,,?
The manager's number...?

"내일 'Luminous' 뮤직비디오가 나와요. 흥분되나요????"
"The music video for "Luminous" is coming out tomorrow. Are you excited?"

엥 내일 나온다구요?
It's coming out tomorrow?

28일 아니에요?
Isn't it the 28th?

전 왜 모르죠?
Why don't I know?

"언제 나오는지 너무 혼란스러워요 언니"
"I'm so confused when it's coming out."

나도 혼란스러워
I'm confused, too.

음원이 선공개라구? 댑악
The song is pre-released? a great evil

나도 회사에 무러봐쑴
I'm afraid of the company, too.

"헠 회사 오피셜도 내일이래?"
"The company official is tomorrow too?"

엥 아뇨 그냥 물어봤다는곤대
Uh, no. He just asked.

선공개된다니 다들 들어주셔요~!~!
It's going to be pre-released, so please listen to it!

"거기도 13일이니까 공연날아닌가.."
"Since it's the 13th there, isn't it the day of the concert?"

마자요 12시 지난 오늘은 공연날
That's right. Today, after midnight, on the day of the concert,

이제 슬슬 자야겠군요
I think I should go to bed now.

항상 2시쯤엔 자는 것 같아유 요즘
I think I always sleep around 2 o'clock these days.


Good morning.

전 이제 출근 준비를 해야합니다아
I have to get ready for work now.Ah.

루미너스 티저가 또 떳군용
The Luminus teaser came up again.

파랭이 옷 다들 봤나옹
Did you all see Blueie's clothes?

입을 좀 다물어주고 싶네요
I want you to shut up.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

이번에도 다 개인샷을 따로 찍었어서 저도 멤버들 어떻게 찍은지 지금 처음보는데 다들 예쁘게 나왔네유
We all took individual shots this time, so it's my first time seeing how the members took them, but they all came out pretty.

"티져 진짜 이뻐!!!! 나 저 헤어스타일 너무 좋다아아 전에 공개한적 없다는 헤어스타일이 저 티저 머리야?"
"The teaser is so pretty! I love that hairstyle.Ah, the hairstyle that you've never revealed before is that teaser hairstyle?"

아니 그 전에 하나 더 촬영했던 것이 이쮜,,,!
No, I filmed one more thing before that...!

이제 익숙해져버린 헤어스타일이지만!
It's a hairstyle I've gotten used to it.

읭 루미너스 얘기 아님
It's not about Luminus.

"이번에 루미너스 촬영 하면서 어려웠거나 좀 낯설었다 싶은거 없었어??"
"Was there anything difficult or unfamiliar during the Luminus shoot this time?"

너무 빨리 끝나서 낯설었달까,,,,!!
It was unfamiliar because it ended so quickly.

루미너스 다 들어봤어유?
Have you heard of Luminus?

또 다른 느낌이쥬?
It feels different, right?

파트 맞추기는 성공하셨을라낭
I hope you succeeded in getting the parts right.

공연 시작 7분 전
7 minutes before the concert starts.