2022 09 10 3052
연기 잘하죠 ㅋ
I'm good at acting.
근데 다들 잘 시간 아냐?
But isn't it time for everyone to sleep?
추석은 다들 잘 보내셨슴까
Did you all have a good Chuseok?
"DD들은 지금 완전히 깨어있다! 나는 한 시간 전에 방금 점심을 먹었다."
"DDs are completely awake now! I just had lunch an hour ago."
DD들도 다들 시간이 다르구만
유럽 DD는 아마 나와 똑같이 밤 10시 경,,
DDs have different times.
Europe DD is probably around 10 p.m. just like me.
"정진솔 뒤집어지게 보고싶어 사랑해"
"JinSoul, I miss you so much I love you."
넘나 적극적이라 조금 부끄
I'm a bit shy because I'm too active.
"부모님에게 연락했나요?"
"Did you contact your parents?"
가족톡으로는 계속 연락하는데
시차랑 스케줄이 안 맞아서 전화는
아직 못했어요 🥹🥲
I keep in touch with them through my family chat.
My schedule didn't match with the time difference.
I haven't yet 🥲🥹
"명절음식 안먹고싶어?_? 전이나 뭐 그런거"
"Don't you want to eat holiday food?_? Before or something."
음 추석음식은 딱히 관심 없는 편이라 ㅎ헤
Well, I'm not interested in Chuseok food.
전 떡국 조아해요
I like rice cake soup.
"애기태영은 이제 잘라구요."
"I'm going to cut off baby Taeyoung now."
그래 태영이 잘자라
Good night, Taeyoung.
시골에 가면 할머니가 매생이 떡국을 가끔 해주셨는데 넘 맛있었어용
When I went to the countryside, my grandmother sometimes made seaweed soup for me, and it was so delicious.
근데 회사 들어와서 명절에 시골을 내려간 적이 한번도 없음,,
But I've never been down from the countryside during the holidays since I came to the company.
항상 시간이 안 맞았어가지구 ㅠㅠ
Because the time always didn't match.
시골이 참 멀다요,,,,,
The countryside is very far away
언능 다들 자요!
Everyone, go to sleep!
이따가 한국시간으로,, 저녁에 올궤!
Later in Korea time, in the evening, all the ark!
나는 공연장 가는 중
I'm on my way to the concert hall.
저번 공연장 밥이 지금까지 제일 맛있었어서
The food at the last concert hall was the best so far.
오늘도 왜 이렇게 기대가 되는건지 ~!
Why am I looking forward to it so much today?
배고팡,,,, 🥹
I'm hungry.
"진솔이는 참 행복을 알아서 잘 찾아서 보기 좋아"
"JinSoul knows happiness and it's good to see him find it's good to see."
세상은 이렇게 버텨가는 것
This is how the world holds out.
밥 생각하니까 점점 배고파진다,,
I am getting hungry thinking about food.
밥 완전 실패였어요
It was a total failure.
그냥 밥 조금에 컵라면 조금 먹은 느낌
It feels like I just ate a little bit of rice and cup noodles.
아무래도 저번 밥이 너무나 맛있어서 그런것같아
I think it's because the last meal was so delicious.
무난한 편이긴 함
It's pretty normal.
이게 맛있었던 밥
This is the delicious rice.