2022 08 24 2867

이해해주는거야 아님 날 보내는구야? 🥹
Are you understanding me or are you letting me go? 🥹

좀만 놀아줭 ㅎ
Please hang out with me.

Hey Jinsol, what do you see yourself doing in 10 years? 진솔아, 너는 10년 후에 무엇을 할 것 같아?

  • 10년 후면 36살,,, 음,,, 뭐하고 사려나,,,
    Hey Jinsol, what do you see yourself doing in 10 years? Jinsol, what do you think you will do in 10 years?

  • In 10 years, I will be 36 years old, hmm, what will I do to live?

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 머리자른 소감은?? 편해요??

  • 증말 가벼워져서 기분이 좋아요
    How do you feel about cutting your hair? Is it comfortable?

  • I'm so happy that it's lighter.

머리감고 말릴때 좀 더 편해졌어?_?

  • 오늘 현장에서 자른거라 아직 못 느껴봄
    Did you feel more comfortable when you washed and dried your hair?_?

  • I cut it on the set today, so I haven't felt it yet.

35살에 결혼할거라며?

  • 오ㅋ 할 수 있다면요^^
    You said you were going to get married at 35.

  • Okay, if you can.^^

머리 안감았냐구요? 녜.
Did I not wash my hair? Yes.

다들 저랑 결혼하실건가봐요
I guess everyone's going to marry me.

축의금은 팹 2500포인트로 대신 할게

  • 사양하겠습니다
    I'll give you 2500 points for the congratulatory money.

  • No thanks.

이거 mbti 관련된 건데 한번 골라보세여

내가 제일 싫어하거나 스트레스받는 상황을 고르시오. (단순히 싫어하는걸 떠나서 저 상황 자체가 기빨리고 스트레스받고 저 상황에서 지나치게 예민해질때) ​ 1.지나치게 밝고 시끄러운곳.(ex:클럽,경기장등) 사람들 북적거리는 곳. 몸으로 체험하는것. ​ 2.과거의 경험으로부터 교훈배우기, 매일 반복되는 삶, 내 인생을 안정감있게 지속시키기 ​ 3.일을 하기위한 효율적인 방안 구축하기, 뭔가를 해결하기위해 행동해야하는 상황, 빨리 결정하거나 결단력있게 행동하는것. ​ 4.논리적인 사고나 비판적 사고를 해야할때 ​ 5.타인을 배려해야할때, 타인의 분위기나 감정을 읽어야할때 ​ 6.내 감정이나 정서를 말로든 글로든 그림이로든 표현하는것. 감성적이고 감수성이 넘치는것들을 볼때 ​ 7.망상이나 공상할때, 창의력을 요하는 상황. ​ 8.어떤것에 대한 본질이나 의미에 대해서 심층적으로 고찰해야할때. 한가지에 대해서 깊게 생각해야할때
This is related to MBC. Please choose one.

Choose the situation that I hate the most or feel stressed about. (Regardless of just disliking it, when that situation itself is quick and stressful and becomes overly sensitive in that situation) ​ 1. an overly bright and noisy place (e.g. a club, stadium, etc.) crowded place. Experiencing with your body. ​ 2. Learning lessons from past experiences, repeating life every day, and keeping my life stable. ​ 3. Building an efficient way to do things, a situation where you have to act to solve something, making a quick decision or acting decisive. ​ 4. When you need to think logically or critically, ​ 5. When you need to be considerate of others, or when you need to read other people's atmosphere or emotions. ​ 6. Expressing my feelings or emotions in words, in Glow or in pictures. When I see emotional and emotional things, ​ 7.A situation that requires creativity when delusion or daydreaming. ​ 8. When you need to examine the nature or meaning of something in depth. It's time to think deeply about one thing.

ㄱㄷ 아직 안읽음
I haven't read it yet.

4번이랑 5번!!!!
Number 4 and 5!

정답이 뭔데요?
What's the answer?

4번 enfj esfj 5번 intp istp

  • 엥냐릐
    4번 enfj esfj 5번 intp istp

  • Ennya, you!

1.Intj,infj 2.enfp,entp 3.infp,isfp 4.enfj,esfj 5.intp,istp 6.entj,estj 7.isfj,istj 8.estp,esfp 라고 하네요

  • 래요
    1.Intj,infj 2.enfp,entp 3.infp,isfp 4.enfj,esfj 5.intp,istp 6.entj,estj 7.isfj,istj 8.estp,esfp That's what it says.

  • That's what they said.

7번이 내 엠비티아이였넹
Number 7 was my MBTI.

이런 심리테스트 같은거 좋네요
This kind of psychological test is good.

진솔이 상상이나 망상 잘 안하낭?

  • 음 많이는 안하는데 차 탈때나 놀이기구 같은거 타면 '사고나면 어떡하지' 같은 불안한 상상은 하게 되는 듯
    JinSoul, do you not imagine or delusional?

  • I don't do it a lot. When I'm in a car or on rides, "What if there's an accident?" I get to imagine things like that.

상상을 해도 현실에 일어날만한 일들을 상상하는 편
I tend to imagine things that would happen in reality.

차에서 잠들었다 눈 떴는데 시간여행 해버리는 상상은..?

  • 오우 저녀 그런 상상은 안해본 것 같아
    I fell asleep in the car. How do you imagine time traveling when you wake up?

  • Oh, I don't think she ever imagined that.

맞아 이게 S의 상상법이야
Right, this is how S imagines it.

혹시 카피노트 쓸 때 누나만의 꿀팁 같은거나 기본적인 카피방법?.. 그런거 있어?? 카피노트 처음 써보는데 뭔가 감이 안잡혀서..

  • 그냥 기본적으론 숨 쉬는 타이밍 체크하고 어떤 부분을 어떻게 살리면 좋을지 적어놓고,, 전체적인 톤이나 느낌을 어떻게 잡을지 적고,,?
    Do you have any tips on how to copy when you write a copy note? Is there something like that? It's my first time using a copy note, but I don't have a clue.

  • Basically, I check the timing of my breathing. Write down what part and how to make it work. Write down how to get the overall tone or feeling...?

누나 요즘은 일기써?

  • 놉?
    Sister, do you keep a diary these days?

  • Nope?

수업들을때 안 조는 방법.. 알랴쥬세여..

  • 전 날밤 잠을 잔다
    How not to doze off in class. I'll tell you.

  • I sleep the night before.

한국오면 제일 먼저 하고 싶은 거?

  • 젤네일 바꾸기
    The first thing I want to do when I come back to Korea?

  • Change gel nails.

속눈썹펌은 요즘 안해?

  • 넹 맨날 가짜 속눈썹 붙이니까
    You don't do eyelash perm these days?

  • Yes, I always put fake eyelashes on.

진솔이 밧데리 몇퍼 지금?

  • 92
    How many percent of JinSoul's battery is right now?

  • 92

아직도 메이크오버인가 그 게임 해요 ?

  • 안하다가 미국오고 다시 시작함
    Do you still play Makeover?

  • I didn't do it, but I came to America and started again.

메이크오버 얘기하니까 게임하고싶네
Talking about makeup over makes me want to play a game.

히히 근데 졸려잉
Hehe but I'm sleepy.

급 졸리다 앙녕,,
I'm sleepy all of a sudden. Bye.

훅 사라지기
a sudden disappearance


미국와서 도넛이 너무 맛있어짐
Donuts became so delicious in America.

빵들이 아주 다 맛있어
All the breads are delicious.

하지만 특별한건 안먹어봄
But I don't eat anything special.

크리스피랑 던킨만 머거봄ㅋㅋㅋㅋ쿸ㅋㅋㅋ
Krispy and Dunkin are the only ones who saw it.

근데 던킨은 미국이 맛있다
But Dunkin' is good in America.


글레이즈도넛이랑 초코커스타드크림도넛 먹움
Glaze donut and chocolate custard cream donut.


비행긴데 순간 귀가 확 아팠어
It was a flight, but my ears hurt.

내 귀!!!! 안전한거겠죠
My ears! They're safe.

멍멍한 느낌이랑 좀 달랐는데에
It was a bit different from the puppy look.

깜짝 놀랬네에
I was surprised.

여튼 신기한 경험이였어
Anyway, it was a fascinating experience.

지금은 갠춘
Right now, it's spring.

진솔아,,, 머리 자른거 너무 좋아서 사진 백번 보고있어 어뜩해🥹 며칠전에 너가 물어봤을때 긴머리가 좋다고 한거 반성중이야 . . . 오늘부터 층낸 중단발 정진솔 지지하고 응원합니다 진짜 사랑해 셀카 올라올때마다 기절해줄게

  • 다행이다 히히 나도 너무 죠아
    Jinsol, I like your haircut so much that I'm looking at the picture 100 times. I'm reflecting on how you said you liked long hair when you asked me a few days ago. From today, I support and support Jung Jin-sol with layered mid-short hair. I love you so much. I'll faint every time you post a selfie.

  • That's a relief. I'm also very Joa.

다들 자겠지?
I'm sure everyone is sleeping?

이제 또 시차가 달라졌다
The time difference has changed.