2022 08 16 2780
미주신경성실신? 이거 같긴 하던데
Mi-Joo's nervous faint? I think it's this.
그 시기에는 한 일주일동안 계속 쓰러지고 하느라
During that time, I kept falling down for about a week.
Let's stay home.
계속 쓰러지니까 밖에 나가기 무서워지더라
I kept falling down, so I got scared to go outside.
그래도 그 때 아빠랑 다정하게 단 둘이 산책하던 게 떠오르네요
Still, I remember walking with my dad.
맞아 다들 조심하세요 미주신경성실신
Right, be careful. a nervous fainting of the Americas
이거면 몸을 항상 천천히 가눠야해요
If it's like this, you have to keep your body slowly
안그러면 그냥 픽 쓰러진당
Otherwise, you'll fall down.
조금 천천히 행동하다보면
If you act a little slowly,
갑자기 몸에 한기가 뽝 오면서 힘이 풀리기 시작해
I feel cold all of a sudden and I'm starting to relax.
그럴때 이제 가만히 누워주면 완료
If you lie down, you're done.
이거 모르고 거실에서 자다가 방으로 가는데 확 일어나서 방 가다가 쓰러짐
I fell down on my way to my room after sleeping in the living room.
이건 좀 웃프죠
This is kind of funny.
아 근데 정말 괜찮아요 그런 경험들을 통해^^
But it's really okay. Through those experiences ^^
지금은 대처방법도 깨닫게 되었고,,
Now I realize how to deal with it.
이거 다 데뷔 전 얘기들인데
These are all stories before our debut.
갑자기 걱정 한가득이 되어버렸네
I was worried all of a sudden.
데뷔 후에 다이어트 엄청나게 할 때는 멀쩡하더라구요
When I was on a diet after debuting, I was fine.
정신이 혼미해질뿐
It's just distracting.
아 갑자기 배고프다 다이어트 얘기하니까
I'm suddenly hungry talking about dieting.
다른 얘기로 넘어가보죠
Let's move on.
가끔 머리 아프다고 그러는 것도 괜찮은 거지?
이건 정말 신경성 ㅇㅇ
It's okay to say that you have a headache sometimes, right? -
This is really nerve-wracking.
워싱턴날씨는 어떤가요 서울은 비가 조금 왔어요
여기 날씨는 쏘 굳이에요 행복해요
How is the weather in Washington? It rained a little in Seoul. -
The weather here is so nice. I'm happy.
여즘 가수분들 콘서트 많이하잖아 가보고싶은 콘서트있어?
지금 제이크밀러님 뉴욕에 계시는데 가고싶네요
There are a lot of Yeosum singers doing concerts. Is there a concert you want to go to? -
Jake Miller is in New York right now. I want to go there.
음 재밌는 질문이 없군
Well, there's no interesting question.
그렇게 말하면 상처받아요
쏴리 벋 알라뷰
You'll get hurt if you say that. -
Sorry, I love you.
간만에 점메추 해줭
Please recommend lunch menu. -
Kimchi stew.
워싱턴D.C 는 할인 많이해줘서 워싱턴 D.C래 푸하하
Washington D.C. offers a lot of discounts, so they said Washington D.C. hahaha. -
지금까지 미국 투어에서 가장 좋았던 순간은 언제인가요??
오빛들이 떼창 불러줄 때!
What was the best moment of your American tour so far? -
When ORBIT sing along!
한국 돌아오면 젤 먼저 하고싶은거!
음,,, 젤네일 바꾸기,,
What do you want to do first when you come back to Korea? -
Well, change gel nails...
손톱 상태가 좋지않아ㅋ
My nails are not in good condition.
지금까지 미국에서 먹은 거중에 제일 맛있는고
음,,,, 전에 케이터링에서 나왔던 육개장,,,
It's the most delicious food I've ever had in the US. -
Um, yukgaejang that came out of the catering before,
투어에서 선물을 받았습니까?
저희 이번 투어에서 선물 못 받아요 🥹 sorry 🤍
Did you get a present on the tour? -
We can't get presents during this tour. 🥹 sorry 🤍
나라는 선물이 못가서 미안해
I'm sorry I didn't get the gift. -
Oh, my.
미국 구경했던 곳 중 기억에 남는곳은?
구경을 얼마 못했지만,,, 샌프란시스코의 링컨공원? 맞나? 거기!
What was the most memorable place you saw in America? -
I didn't have much time to look around... Lincoln Park in San Francisco? Is that right? There!
Have you bought any souvenirs for family and friends back home?
Have you bought any souvenirs for family and friends back home? -
- No,,,!
난 이제 쉬러 갑니다아 앙녕
I'm going to rest now.Oh, hello.
오늘도 즐거운 하루우❤️🔥
Happy Haru❤️🔥
공트 다들 봤을라나
Did you all watch the official Twitter?
숙제로 낼까 공트로 올릴까 고민하다가
I was thinking about whether to release it as homework or post it on official Twitter.
공트로 똬악
in the open air
오늘의 둥둥 할 일
What to do today.
하슬이 생일 축하 해주기
Happy birthday to Haseul.
DD,,, First of all, I'm so sorry.
While preparing for the concert, my head suddenly started to hurt.
I missed you, Washington DC Orbit, but I'm sad I can't.
I'm sorry to make you worry.
Let's meet again later. Washington DC Orbit!
DD,,, First of all, I'm so sorry.
While preparing for the concert, my head suddenly started to hurt.
I missed you, Washington DC Orbit, but I'm sad I can't.
I'm sorry to make you worry.
Let's meet again later. Washington DC Orbit!
아 머리를 다쳤다고 번역이 되는구나,,
아뇨 그냥 두통이에요 ㅠ
Ah, it translates because I hurt my head.
No, it's just a headache.
외국인은 번역이 이해가 되었다 ㅋㅋ
The foreigners understood the translation. lol -
두통이란 단어,, 알아유,,,,🥹
I know the word headache.
아직 안좋아서 방금 약 먹었구,
언능 나아서 좋은 모습 보여드릴게요 ㅠ
I just took my meds because I'm not feeling well yet.
I'll get better and show you a better side of me. (T)