2022 08 15 2762
I'm going home.
이젠 내가 배고파진 시간
It's time for me to get hungry.
오늘은 무대에서 땀을 덜 흘려서 더 먹으면 안돼
I sweat less on stage today, so I can't eat more.
이제 진짜 다여트 해야지,,,,,🥺
I'm really going to go on a diet now,
양심운동은 했습니다^^!
I worked out my conscience.^^!
둥둥씨들은 좋은 말만 해주지만
They only say good things,
난 내 모습의 변화가 너무 잘보인다
I can see the change in my appearance so well.
운동을 해야하는데 너무 귀찮지요?
I have to work out, but it's so annoying, right?
그 때 헬스장가고 한번도 안갔어
I went to the gym and never went.
낼 다시 가야지,,,! 그래!!!!!!
I have to go again tomorrow, yes!!!!!!
갈거다,,, 둥둥이들과의 약속이니까,,,^^!
I'm going to go, because it's a promise with the buddies, ^^!
이러고 팹 안들어오기
Don't come in like this.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
일단 낼 상태보고,,,, ㅎㅡㅎ
Let's see how it's going to be...
난 이제 자야겠어용
I'm going to bed now.
다들 좋은 하루 보내며 마무리하길✨
I hope you all have a good day and wrap up✨
오늘 정말 만족스러운 식사였다
Today was a very satisfying meal.
오늘의 움식은
Today's food is...
프사 봐바요
Look at your profile picture.
(Laughs) (Laughs)They said it's Korea.
오늘 하루 귀국했다
I returned home today.
정말 맛있었어용 그리고 K-마트도 다녀와서
It was really good. And I went to K-Mart.
오감자랑 비빔면도 샀움
I also bought Oh Potatoes and Bibimmyeon.
한국은 굿모닁
Good morning in Korea.
와이 밷모닁
Why are you sleeping?
Going to work?
출근, 수강신청,,
Going to work, registering for classes,
나 어제 수강신청 완벽히 성공함 (자랑)
I completely succeeded in registering for the class yesterday. -
Chuka Bboong.
누나 수강신청 망한적있어여?
우린 시간표가 짜여서 나왔움
Have you ever failed to register for a class? -
We came out with a timetable.
그럼 신청 아예 안 해도 됐었나
그렇지요오 🥴
Then I didn't have to sign up at all. -
That's right 🥴
대신 A-D반이 나눠져 있어서
But A-D class is divided.
어느 반이냐에 따라 좀 꿀이냐 아니냐가 달라짐
Depending on which class you're in, whether it's honey or not changes.
난 낫밷이였던거 같은데
I think it was a sickle belly.
근데 꿀은 뭐까 꿀이야
너무 일찍 등교는 안하되, 너무 늦게 하교는 안하고 중간 밥시간은 여유가 있는
But what's honey? It's honey. -
You don't go to school too early, but you don't go home too late, and you have time to eat in the middle.
근데 난 대학교랑 연습생이랑 같이 시작했어서
But I started college with a trainee.
대학교 좀 늦게 끝나도 조았음 ㅎ
I liked it even if college ended a little late.
월말평가 있는 달에 학교 시험이나 조별과제 겹치면 헬
Hell if school exams or group assignments overlap in the month of the monthly evaluation.
고등학교때는 진솔이도 야자같은거 해봤나.. 갑자기궁금..
놉! 한번도 안해봤,,
In high school, JinSoul also did late night study hall. I'm suddenly... -
Nope! I've never done it before.
금공강 vs 월공강
월공강이지 금요일엔 재밌는 무대가창 수업이였거든 내가 발표하는 날 아니면 가만히 앉아만 있음 돼,,
Geumgonggang vs Wolgonggang. -
It's Monday-Gong class. I had a fun singing class on Friday. If it's not the day of my presentation, I just have to sit still.
혹시 거기는 몇시예용??
제 시간이 궁금하시다면 한국시간-1시간 하고 오전 오후 바꾸면 됩니다 그래서 여긴 오후 8시 53분
What time is it there? -
If you're curious about my time, Korea time - 1 hour and change morning and afternoon. So it's 8:53 PM here.
공강시간 엄청길기 vs 아침 9시등교
School hours are really long vs. 9am. Going to school. -
The latter.
공강시간 길면 주로 뭐했어요??
일단 밥을 먹고,, 탐탐가고,,
What did you usually do when you had a long class? -
First, I ate, and then I went to Tom Tom.
대학가 식당 자주갔어??!
대학가라기엔 우리학교가 골목안에 있어서 식당이 한 2-3개? 중에 고르는 거였어유
Did you go to the university restaurant often? -
My school is in an alley, not a college town. 2 or 3 restaurants? You were supposed to choose between them.