2022 08 15 2757

방금 파이브가이즈를 먹었는데 넘나 마싯옹
I just ate Five Guys and it's so delicious.

감튀가 젤 맛있다규?
French fries are the best?

배달이라 그런지 눅눅해진건가,,
Is it soggy because it's a delivery?

난 감튀는 인앤아웃이 더 맛있는 둣
I prefer French fries in and out.

치즈버건줄알고 골랐는데
I thought it was a cheeseburger.

치즈랑 베이컨이랑 패티 이렇게 들어있었규
Cheese, bacon, and patty.

머시룸을 좀 더 넣어서 먹어쑴둥
Add more mushroom and eat it.

애들이 맥날이랑 버거킹같다했나ㅋㅋ쿸ㅋㅋ
They're like McNal and Burger King.Did you do it?

일단 전 편식쟁이라 야채가 없어서 좋았구
First of all, I liked that I didn't have vegetables because I was a picky eater.

패티가 수제버거 느낌
The patty is like a homemade burger.

(지금은 파이브가이즈 얘기 중 입니다)
(We're talking about Five Guys right now)


인앤아웃 먹었고 파이브가이즈 먹었고 이제 미국 본토에서 먹는 쉑쉑이랑 웬디스만 먹으면 미국 햄버거 프차 완전정복

  • 쉑쉑은 공항에서 먹어찌롱 감튀랑 쉐이크만
    I ate in and out, I ate Five Guys, and if I eat Shake Shack and Wendy's, I completely conquer the hamburger franchise.

  • I ate Shake Shack at the airport. I only ate French fries and shakes.

근데 나 에어팟을 안챙긴걸까
But did I not pack my AirPods?

급 티엠아인데
It's TMI all of a sudden TMI.

헤드셋만 챙기고 에어팟을 안 챙긴거겠지
I guess he just packed his headset and didn't pack his AirPods.

기억이 안나는데
I don't remember.

에어팟을 새로 살까,,,, 고민중이에여
I'm thinking about buying a new AirPods.

헤드셋도 좋지만 에어팟이 필요한 순간들이 꽤 있더라공
Headset is good, but there are a lot of moments when you need AirPods.

아마 메모장에 캐리어 짐싸기 목록에 에어팟 자체가 없는걸보니 아예 안 챙긴듯
I think I didn't pack it at all because I don't have AirPods on my notepad.

하지만 2주 때문에 에어팟을 산다는건
But buying AirPods for two weeks

너무 사치야!
It's such a luxury!

아 신형이 나와요? 그럼 참아야지
Oh, a new model is coming out? Then I'll hold it in.

아 맞아
Oh, right.

아까 스무디 마셨는데 짱 맛있었어
I had a smoothie and it was so good.

wawa 꺼래
It's Wawa's.

오늘 아주 시원하니 좋았다
It was nice to be cool today.

땀을 안흘린건 처음이네 🥴
It's my first time not sweating 🥴

이제 하이터취
Now, high-touch.

Let's go.