2022 08 13 2737

정진솔 미국 가더니 턱선 폼 미쳤네

  • 이거 필터 ㅎㅎㅎ
    JinSoul's jawline pose in the U.S. is crazy.

  • This filter haha

오늘 하이터치하면서 어떤 오빛 분이
During today's high-touch event, an ORBIT said,

오늘 공연 너무 재밌었어요! 정말! 라고 해주셨는데
Today's concert was so much fun! Really! That's what she said.

굉장히 뭔가 와닿았어
It touched my heart.

막 특별한 문장이 아닌데 그 표정과,, 진심이 딱 와닿았달까
It's not a special sentence, but the expression and sincerity touched my heart.

더 열심히 해야겠다 하는 생각,, 오늘의 일기,,🤭
I should work harder. Today's diary, 🤭

아 어제는 진짜 신기했던 일
What was really fascinating yesterday.

어제가 아니라 저번 공연
Not yesterday. Last concert.

한국에서 생일카페에서 마주쳤던 오빛이
Orbit that I ran into at a birthday cafe in Korea.

하이터치에 왔다!
We're at High Touch!

안 신기한건가
Is it not interesting?

난 너무 신기했는데에
I was so amazed.

언니 나 이번 투어 걱정돼.. 여행 날짜가 많아... 네 쉴 수 없고 아플까 봐 걱정이야ㅜㅜㅜ 밥 먹는 거 잊지 말고 수분 보충해. 건강은 중요하다!!

  • 열시미!!! 화이띵!!! 오빛들의 에너지를 받아야쥬
    I'm worried about this tour. I have a lot of travel dates... I'm worried that you can't rest and get sick. Don't forget to eat and hydrate yourself. Health is important!!

  • I'm so sorry! Fighting! I need ORBIT's energy.

오늘 판다익스프레스를 먹어봤었는데
I tried Panda Express today.

아주 맛있더군요
It was very delicious.

오늘 근데 밤샐까 고민중
But I'm thinking about staying up all night.

잘 준비하고 나면 얼마 못잘거같아송
I don't think I'll be able to sleep much after getting ready to sleep.Song

저는 오렌지치킨 + 데리야끼치킨
Orange chicken. Teriyaki chicken.

아주 굳
as hard as nails

진솔이는 뭐 특별히 먹고싶은거 있어?

  • 지금은 훠궈랑 ,,, 뼈해장국이나,,, 국물요리!
    Jinsol, is there something you want to eat in particular?

  • Now, hot pot, bone hangover soup, and soup!

진솔아 선글라스 어디서 산거야?

  • 필터
    Jinsol, where did you buy the sunglasses?

  • Filter.

H워얼V =사랑해 MZ세대 용어래요 나는 방금 첨 알앗틈.. 배우자마자 언니한테 써먹엇어요 ㅎㅎ

  • 오우 이렇게 알려주니까 이해완료,, 어렵네,,
    H Warl V = I love you. It's the MZ generation's term. I just knew... As soon as I learned it, I used it to my sister. Haha

  • Oh, I understand because you told me like this, it's hard.

언니 최근에 재밌게 본 책이 몬지 궁그매

  • 책은 아직까진 제 인테리어 소품이였달까요,,
    The book that you enjoyed recently is Monji's Curious.

  • The book was still my interior prop.

투어올 때 가져올걸 약간의 후회는 했지만, 캐리어 무게 초과도 그렇고^^ 여기서는 안 읽지 않았을까,, 생각합니다
I should've brought it to the tour. I had some regrets, Carrier overweight as well ^^ I think I wouldn't have read it here.

책 읽을 시간에 팹으로 소통하는 진도리 칭찬해👍

  • 이렇게 긍정적일수가,,,, 둥둥이 덕에 자존감이 올라가는 밤입니다
    I compliment Jindo-ri for communicating with Fab during reading time 👍

  • I can't believe it's so positive. It's a night where my self-esteem goes up thanks to you.

잘 준비 다하고 누우니까 급 졸리네요
I'm suddenly sleepy because I'm ready to sleep and lying down.

안자려고 했는데 말이쥬
I wasn't going to sleep.

다들 모하세요
What are you all doing?

헉 이건 설마 보이스 브앱 신호..?

  • 여긴 새벽2시20분,, 쏴리,,
    Is this a voice-only V LIVE signal?

  • It's 2:20 am here, I'm sorry.

언니 아이패드가 무슨 색이죠? 저 아이패드 요즘 살 거예요. 색깔 추천해주세요!

  • 기계는 언제나 블랙
    What color is your iPad? I'm going to buy an iPad these days. Please recommend a color!

  • The machine is always black.

난 유튭 보러갈래용
I'm going to watch YouTube.

난중에 또 봐요
See you later.