2022 08 10 2700
잘 준비도 대충 끄읕
I'm almost done getting ready to sleep.
왠일로 좀 부지런하게 행동했더
Why did you act so diligent?
아 또 맞춤법 틀렸어?
Oh, I got the spelling wrong again?
왠일 웬일 이거 제일 헷갈려
What's going on? This is the most confusing.
맞춤법 틀리는거 젤 싫은데
I hate spelling mistakes.
내가 자주 틀리네
I make a lot of mistakes.
미국에 와서 그런가봐
I guess it's because we're in the States.
왜인지 ! 오키
Why? Okay.
이게 젤 어려운 맞춤법이야 나에겐
This is the hardest spelling for me.
자, 자주 헷갈리는 맞춤법 두 개 왠일/웬일 그리고 왠지/웬지 정확하게 알려드립니다. 웬일이 맞구요, 왠지가 맞습니다. 기억하세요.
Now, I'll give you two spellings that I often get confused about, why, why, and why, why. Somehow, yes, somehow. Keep this in mind. -
운동했으니 잠잘오겠네
벌써 잠이 올라해,,
Since you worked out, you can sleep well. -
I'm already sleepy.
돼 되 는 해 하 를 넣어보면 됩니다
You can put in the bottom of the bottom.
됩니다도 햅니다 아니고 합니다 니까 되
It's okay. It's not okay. It's okay.
DD들이 혼란스러워 하는 중
DDs are confused.
저눈 이제 떠나보겠습당
I'm going to go now.
H, H, H, H.
빨리 깨버렸넹
I woke up quickly.
조곰만 더 자고 아침을 먹어야지
I'm going to sleep more and eat breakfast.
배고파서 깻나봐
I think he woke up because he was hungry.
프렌치토스트 대 오믈렛 고민중
French toast vs omelet. I'm thinking about it.
둘 다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
고민해볼게 한시간만 더 자고오게씀니다
I'll think about it. I'll sleep for another hour.
그냥 일어나버림
Just getting up.
잠 안와 ㅎ
I can't sleep.
일단 둘 다 시킴
I ordered both of them both.
예림이 자는데 조용히 먹어야해
Yerim is sleeping. You have to eat quietly.
노크소리에 깨진 않길
Don't let the knock break your heart.
언제 오려나아
When are you coming?
하는 순간 도착함ㅋ
I arrived the moment I did it.
너뮤 마싯다,,,
I drank nermu,
한국은 배고픈 야식시간이겠군,,
It must be a hungry late night snack time in Korea.
참을 수 이써 둥둥
I can't hold it in.
아침먹고 다시 잠들었었다
I went back to sleep after breakfast.
맨날 먹고 잠들어서 소화제 달고 살기
Eat every day and fall asleep with digestive medicine.
다들 주무시려낭
Are you all going to sleep?
오늘 무슨 머리하까
What hair style should I do today?
뿌까 웨이브 🙅🏻♀️
Pucca wave 🙅🏻♀️
포니테일이 인기많네
Ponytail is popular.
포니테일 최근에 했었눈데
I did a ponytail recently.
Go Mi-in!
Pikachu hair.
그것이 뭐지
What is it?
Oh, my.
전 머리 결정해써요
I choose my hair.
예전 촬영 때 맘에 들었던 머리
Hair style that I liked from the past shooting.
공개된 적은 없는 머뤼
It's never been revealed.
다들 잘자요옹
Good night, everyone.