2022 08 10 2683
사진을 또 올릴까 말까
Should I post a picture or not?
오케이 오늘 일기 한번 써보겠어
Okay, I'll write a diary today.
다 했다
I'm done.
근데 주무실거같아
But I think they're going to sleep.
근데 누가 들어와서 저렇게 놀란거얌
누가 들어온게 아니라 문에 살짝 기댔는데 문이 열려버려서 넘어질 뻔 했다용
But someone came in and I was surprised. -
No one came in. I leaned against the door. The door opened and I almost fell.Dragon
슬슬 잘 준비를 해야하는데
I need to slowly get ready to sleep.
넘나 귀찮군
It's so annoying.
일단 콜라겐 먹음
First, I ate collagen.
머리자랑 프사
A profile picture of showing off my hair.
이 머리 죠아
I like this hair style.
나는 잘 준비 끄읕
I'm ready to sleep.
여긴 새벽 3시35분
It's 3:35am here.
거긴 퇴근시간이 다가오겠군요
It's almost time to get off work there.
저두 이제 자야지요오
I'm going to sleep now.