2022 08 09 2679
이 동물 잠옷 고르게 된 썰 있나요오오?
회사에서 동물잠옷 링크를 보내주시고 멤버들 각자 원하는 동물을 골라찌요
Is there a story about choosing these animal pajamas? -
The company sent me a link to animal pajamas. Each member picked an animal that they wanted.
진솔이 몬스터주식회사 설리 고른 이유 이써????
퍼스널컬러와 잘 맞으려나 하는 생각에,,
Is there a reason why Jinsol chose Sulli from Monster Inc.? -
I thought it would go well with my personal color.
안 더웠어요?! 에어컨 빵빵했나.?..
엄청나게 더웠어요,,,,🥹
Wasn't it hot? Was the air conditioner full? -
It was extremely hot.
주황메론 먹는중
I'm eating orange melon.
다들 모하새오
What are you all doing?
나랑 놀쟈
Play with me.
남은 칸탈루프 먹는중
I'm eating the leftover cantaloupe.
다 먹었다 하
I'm done eating.
I'm full. 🥴