2022 08 06 2615
투어 비하인드 영상 🤭
Tour behind-the-scenes footage 🤭
LA 때도 이랬었는데 그 땐 대기실이 아예 층이 달라서 못찍었지만,, 샌프란시스코때는 대기실이 바로 무대 뒤라 우리 DD들 몰래애 🥴
It was like this in LA, but I couldn't take it because the waiting room was completely different from the floor, but in San Francisco, the waiting room was right behind the stage, so our DDs secretly 🥴
진솔 DD 파파라치?
JinSoul DD Paparazzi? -
in a heap
떼창하면서 느낀 것은
What I felt while singing along was...
아니 뭐래
What are you saying?
떼창을 들으며 느낀 것은
What I felt while listening to the fan chant was...
PTT랑 Why Not을 젤 좋아하시는 것 같은 느낌
I think they like PTT and Why Not the most.
아 Pose도!
Ah, the pose too!
떼창하기 쉬워서 그런가 헤헤
Is it because it's easy to sing along? Hehe.
내일은 무슨 머리하지
What kind of hair should I do tomorrow?
앞머리를 내릴까말까가 제일 고민
I'm thinking about whether to put my bangs down or not.
내리면 다 좋은데 한가지 큰 단점은
It's all good if I put it down, but one big drawback is that
한 번 춤추는 순간 앞머리가 다 적셔짐
Once I dance, my bangs get wet.
그래도 금발이라 티가 안나ㅎ 가까이서 보는거 아니면,,,
But I can't tell because I'm blond. Unless I'm watching it closely...
그것은 금발의 또 하나의 장점이지
That's another advantage of blonde hair.
맞아요 또 좋은 점 말해보면 경험담으로 머리 며칠씩 안감앗는데도 비듬 티가 안나던데여 ㅋ
That's right. Another good thing is that it doesn't show dandruff even though I haven't washed my hair for days based on my experience. -
Oh, my.
이제 곧 언니 뿌탈을할시기가 오겠군뇨,,,,
조금만 더 기다려보는 중
It's about time for you to change your roots. -
I'm just waiting a little longer.
근데 머릿결 관리 어떻게 해..?
지금 못하고있어,, 내 머리 어떠카지,,, 맥주효모랑 헤어앰플을 두고왔어,, 뿌리 덜 자라게할라고,, 근데 후회중이지,,,🥹
But how do you take care of your hair? -
I can't do it now. How is my hair? I left my beer yeast and hair ampoule, I will make my roots grow less, but I regret it.
도라에몽... 어디로든 문 빌려줘😭 진돌누나 맥주효모랑 헤어엠플 줘야해😭
오우 맘같아선 그러고 싶다 그럼 짐도 안싸도 되구 좋은데
Doraemon... Lend me the door anywhere. 😭 I have to give Jindol noona beer yeast and hair ampoule 😭 -
Oh, I'd love to. Then I don't have to pack. It's good.
맥주효모환 효과 좋냐고 물어보시는데
전 좋은거같아요 먹고 이마에 잔머리 같은게 진짜 늘었구 뿌리도 엄청 자라는 속도가 빨라졌었거든용
They're asking if beer yeast pills are effective.
I think it's good because after I ate it, my baby hairs on my forehead grew really fast and my roots grew really fast.
두피앰플은 사실 그냥 마음의 안정이고 효과는 모르겠었음
To be honest, scalp ampoule is just relaxing and I didn't know the effect.
맥주효모환은 정말 추천.
I really recommend beer yeast pills.
막 40-50알 먹으라구 하는데 환이다 보니까 세기 어려우므로 전 그냥 뚜껑에 채워서 털어넣어머금
They tell me to eat 40-50 pills, but it's hard to count because it's a pill, so I just fill the lid and shake it off.
잘 준비 끄읕
Get ready to sleep.
너무 배부르다아
I'm so full.
조식 먹었어용🤭
I had breakfast. 🤭
젤 맛있었던 건
The most delicious thing was...
Egg Benedict?
베네딕트 컴버배치 좋아하세요?
녜 좋죠
Do you like Benedict Cumberbatch? -
Yes, it's good.
영화 재밌게 봤거든요
I enjoyed the movie.
에그베네딕트를 그래도 더 좋아하시죠?
You like Egg Benedict better, right? -
Of course.