2022 08 05 2594

다들 고생했어요 🤍 오늘도 아주 즐거웠다!
You all worked hard. 🤍 I had so much fun today!

이번 셀카 좀 잘 찍은듯
I think I took a good selfie this time.

밥 기다리는 중
Waiting for food.

I'm hungry.

내가 울어서 그런가
Is it because I cried?

DD들이 팹 편지 엄청 보내주셨네
DD sent a lot of fab letters.


Thank u,,,🥹 하나하나 다 읽어볼게요
Thank you, I'll read each and every one of them.

피자 먹는중
Eating pizza.

언니 눈물은 비싸고 잘 안 울어서 걱정이에요

  • 맞아 샌프란시스코가 마지막일거야,,🤭
    I'm worried because tears are expensive and I don't cry often.

  • Yes, San Francisco will be the last. 🤭

마르게띠아 피자래!
They said it's a Marghetia pizza!

마르게리따라구? 몰라 매니저님이 그랬는데에
Follow Marguerri? I don't know. The manager said that.

난 빵부분이 넘 마싯다
I drank too much bread.

매니저 아저씨가 사주셨구나

  • 아저씨라니 나보다 다 동생들잉데,,
    Oh, our manager bought it for us.

  • They are all younger than me.

진짜로? 진솔 아저씨….미안

  • 오바 ㅋ
    Really? JinSoul....Sorry

  • It's too much.

한 분만 저랑 동갑이고 다 어리셔요
One person is the same age as me and everyone is young.

그건 네가 좀 늙었다는 뜻이야 ㅋㅋ

  • 응 인정,,, 헤메스 스탭분들도 나보다 어리시고,,
    That means you're a little old lol

  • Yes, I admit that the hair and makeup staff are younger than me.

아니요! 진솔은 영원히 젊다

  • 그러면 좋겠다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
    No! JinSoul is forever young.

  • I hope so. Hehehehehe

잘 준비 끄읕
Get ready to sleep.