2022 07 31 2488
난 잘 준비 다하고 와찌롱
I'm ready to go to bed.
오늘도 역시 양심운동도 완료
I'm done with my conscience exercise today.
Have a Good Night 🫶🏻
Have a Good Night 🫶🏻
wake up
다시 자야지
I'm going back to sleep.
너무 일찍 잠들었나벼
I went to bed too early.
적당히 늦게 자야했는데
I had to go to bed late.
그럼 다시 앙녕
Then again, bye!
아 배고파서 잠이 다시 안오는 중
I'm so hungry that I can't sleep again.
겁나 배고파
I'm so hungry.
한국은 12시가 넘었겠군
It must be past midnight in Korea.
거긴 8월이구나
It's August there.
여긴 아직이야
Not here yet.
내일 잘 부탁할게
I look forward to working with you tomorrow.
밥 먹었다요
I ate.
수영이랑 순두부찌개
Sooyoung and soft tofu stew.
지금은 97즈끼리 수다 떠는중
Right now, 97s are chatting together.