2022 07 30 2470
프사는 거의 실시간
My profile picture is almost real-time.
한 10분전
About 10 minutes ago...
내 사진은 왜 올려주시지이~!
Why are you posting my picture?
팬싸 재밌으셨나요
So Nice.
Did you have fun at the fan signing event? -
- So Nice.
아 안올려주시지ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You shouldn't have posted it.(Laughs)
진솔누나 오늘 오사착장 입었는데 어땟어요?
뭐가 어때요,,,? 진심으로 궁금해서 물어보는 말
JinSoul, how was your OOTD today? -
What do you say...? I'm asking because I'm really curious.
아 맘에 들었냐고?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Did I like it?(Laughs)
아 뭐,, 처음입은것도 아니고~
Well, it's not my first time wearing it.
DD씨께서 베레모 이쁘다해줘서 좋아찌
I liked it because DD said that the beret was pretty.
진솔이가 느꼈을때 한국 팬싸와 차이점!!! (현진이는 한국과 달리 질문을 많이 한다고함 👍)
음,, 리액션과 표정이 정말 다양해요
JinSoul feels the difference from Korean fan signing events! (HYUNJIN asks a lot of questions unlike in Korea 👍) -
Um... There are so many different reactions and expressions.
그래서 저까지 온 안면근육을 다 써서 표정을 다양하게 쓰게 되는 것 같달까
That's why I'm using all my facial muscles to make various facial expressions.
다들 카메라를 들고있다기보다는 현장을 즐기는? 그런 분위기인 것 같아보여요
카메라도 다 들고 계시는데 한국은 주목받으면 다들 부끄러워하시는데 여기는 엄청 좋아하시는 느낌? 서로 즐기고!
Everyone is holding a camera.More than that, enjoying the scene? I think it's that kind of atmosphere. -
They're all holding cameras, but when they get attention in Korea, they're embarrassed, but they seem to like it a lot. Let's enjoy each other'
콘서트도 아닌데 팬싸인회에서 파도타기도 했다니까요
It wasn't even a concert, but we did the wave at the fan signing event.
그리고 웃긴건 저희가 슬슬 마무리를 해야해요! 하면 한국 오빛들은 아~~~ 안돼요~~ 하는데 이번 LA에선 OK~ Bye Bye~!
And the funny thing is, we have to slowly wrap up. If I do it, ORBIT in Korea... Oh, no!~~ But this time in LA, okay! Bye bye!
굉장히 쿨하고 Fun하고,,
It's very cool and fun.
그래서 오히려 저희가 당황했던
So, we were surprised.
아 여기서 또 오해하는 분들이 생길까봐 하는 중간멘트 갑니다
한국오빛과 미국오빛 비교하는거 절대 아님.
그냥 내가 느낀 점 말하는 거임.
난 둘 다 아주 좋아요. 서운해하면 안됨.
I'm going to say something in the middle because I'm afraid there might be people who misunderstand.
It's not comparing Korean ORBIT and American ORBIT. I'm just saying what I feel. I like both very much. Don't be upset.
트윗터 영어 후기 보면 너무 짧았다고 아쉽다고 하던데요 ㅠㅠ
엥 진짜요? 허거덩,,,, 뭐야~!~!~! 그럼 더 질질 끌어야했었네에
If you look at the English reviews on Twitter, they said it was too short. crying -
Really? I should have dragged it out more.
아 참고로 저 중간멘트는 저 혼자 걱정돼서 하는 말이고 지금 서운해하는 둥둥이들 전~혀 없었습니다^^
For your information, I'm saying this because I'm the only one who's worried. There are no members who are upset right now.^^
팬분들을 이해하기가 너무 어려웠나요? 아니면 의사소통이 간단했는가?
제가 영어를 못해서,,, 일단 죄송했구여,,,^^ 아 그리고 아크릴판이 너무 저희를 힘들게했어요 역싀,,,
Was it too hard to understand the fans? Or was the communication simple? -
I am sorry that I am not good at English.^^ Ah, and the acrylic plate gave us a hard time. Back sign,,,
오눌 그래서 멀티가 너무 안돼서
Oh, I'm not good at multi-tasking.
내가 DD의 말에만 집중하느라
I was just focusing on what DD said.
싸인을 못해서 시간 지체되고ㅋㅋ쿠ㅠㅠ
It's been delayed for a while because I couldn't sign it.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ한국말 하시는 분도 계셧어요??
저희를 위해 공부해오신 분도 계시구,, 알아듣진 못해도 읽는 법만 연습해오셔서 한국어로 편지 읽어주시고ㅠㅡㅠ 감동이였습니다!
(Laughs)Was there someone who spoke Korean? -
Some of you have studied for us. Even if I don't understand it, you only practiced how to read it and read the letter in Korean. It was touching!
그 와중에 나 정진솔
Meanwhile, I'm Jung JinSoul.
하고는 싶은데 도저히 영어가 떠오르지 않아서
I want to do it, but I can't think of English.
한국어로 앨범에 적은 담에
Since I wrote it in the album in Korean,
파파고 번역 번역!!!!!
Papago Translation! Translation!
Hoho ^^
할 말은 해야죠
You have to say what you want to say.
못하고 넘어가는 거 보단,, 이렇게라도
Rather than not being able to do it, like this...
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진솔웅니 옆에 이브웅니랑 열심히 뭐 말하던데 무슨 얘기한거야??
아 DD분들 같은 경우는 영상통화 팬사인회에서 본 분들이 많았었는데, 다들 화면보다 실물이 훨씬 잘생기고 예쁘시더라구요 근데 이걸 전해주고 싶은데 뭐라 말을 해야할지 몰라서 수영이에게 전해달라했어요 히히
(Laughs) (Laughs) What did you talk about with Eeve Woongni next to JinSoul Woongni? -
In the case of DD, there were a lot of people I saw at video call fan signing events, and they were much more handsome and pretty in person than the screen. I wanted to give this to her, but I didn't know what to say, so I asked her to give it to me. Hehe.
영어는 자신감이다! 어색한 걸 알면서도 소통하는 진솔! Jinsol English 화이팅 💙🙏🏿
맞아 자신감 최고다.
English is confidence! JinSoul communicates even though she knows it's awkward! Jinsol English fighting 💙🙏🏿 -
That's right. Confidence is the best.
언닝 궁금해여.. 영통팬싸 한 번밖에 안 들어오신 분들 기억해여..?
사실 큰 임팩트가 있었거나,,, (내가 최애라던지ㅋ) 그런것이 아니면,, 전부 다~! 외우지는 못하는 거 같지만! 그래도 이름이나 얼굴이 조곰은 익숙해져있는 듯,,?
I'm curious. Do you remember those who only came into the video call fan signing event once? -
In fact, if there was a big impact, or if it wasn't my favorite, everything~! I don't think I can memorize it. But the name and face seem to be familiar to Jogom?
you don't need to talk to me in english! just smile and I'll be happy
나에게 영어로 말할 필요가 없습니다! 웃기만 하면 난 행복할거야
- 😆
you don't need to talk to me in english! just smile and I'll be happy
You don't have to speak English to me! All you have to do is laugh and I'll be happy.
- 😆
중국어는 오땡
중국어는 지금 몇년째 자기소개만 말하는중
Chinese is wrong. -
I have been introducing myself in Chinese for several years now.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
Jianjen Shuye!
근데 팬싸오시는 분들이 팹을 다 하시진 않으니
But not all the people who come to the fan signing do fabs.
가끔 1분의 제한시간안에 제가 잘 못 듣거나 못알아들어서 저 때문에 시간을 버리는 경우가 있는데
There are times when I throw away my time because of myself because I can't hear or understand within a minute's time limit.
이럴땐 참 이 팹에서라도 대화를 나누고 싶지만
At times like this, I want to talk to you at least in this fab.
유료어플이니 거기서 봐요!!! 하기도 애매하고,,
It's a paid application, so see you there!!! It's hard to do.
근데 진짜 마스크+아크릴판+양 옆 동시진행+동시싸인 이러면
But if you get a simultaneous stamp on both sides of the mask,
조곰,, 어렵더라구요,,🥹
It was difficult.
코로나야~~~!~!~!~!~! 끝나라~~!<!~!~!~!!
COVID-19~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~! End~!<!~!~!~!
내 사진 잊으셨나봐
I guess you forgot my picture.
분명 혜주랑 고원이 올릴때 올렸는데
I posted it when Hyejoo and GoWon posted it.
I'm going to call him.