2022 07 20 2320



님 닭볶탕에 감자 vs 고구마?

  • 고구마!!!
    Potatoes vs sweet potatoes?

  • Sweet potatoes!

근데 엽떡껀 감자들어가있도라
But Yupdduk has potatoes in it.

엽떡꺼 닭볶음탕 유명한데
Yupdduk's braised spicy chicken is famous.

What do you mean you don't know?


오늘은 좀 찾아봐야겠다 어디서 시킬지
I'll have to find out where to order it.

시켜따아 ( ⁼̴̤̆◡̶͂⁼̴̤̆ )
Order it (◡̶͂⁼̴̴̤̤⁼)


난 지금 숙소에서
I'm at the dorm.

캔들 켜놓고 갬성 즐기는 중
I'm enjoying the mood with the candle on.

라이터를 이제야 샀거든
I just bought a lighter.

선물받은 캔들은 많은데
I got a lot of candles as gifts.

라이터가 없어섴ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ큐
I don't have a lighter.(Laughs)Q.

예비니가 선물해준 캔들
Candles that Yebin gave me.

It's pretty, right?

양키캔들 클린코튼 향인데
It's Yankee Candle Clean Cotton scent.

향 저랑 취향 겹치신다면 추천
If you have the same scent as mine, I recommend it.

아 마자여 원래 캔들보다 디퓨저파 인데
I'm more of a diffuser than a candle.

최근에 캔들 선물을 많이 받아서
I got a lot of candles as gifts recently.

인테리어용으로 두고 있다가 한번 써보려고 라이터를 샀쥬
I kept it for interior decoration, so I bought a lighter to use it.

약간 밤에 갬성을 끌어올릴때 하면 좋을듯
It'd be nice to do it at night to bring up the mood.

히진의 머리카락에 대해 어떻게 생각해?

  • 아주 예쁜듯 혜주 잘랐을 때도 예뻐서 저도 자르고 싶었는데 참자 참자 하다가 희진이 자른거보고 또 자르고 싶어졌다가 앞머리로 대신 했쥬
    What do you think of Hijin's hair?

  • It's very pretty. Hyejoo looked pretty when she cut her hair. I wanted to cut it, too. I was going to hold it in, but when I saw Heejin cut it, I wanted to cut it again, so I did it instead.

둘이 서 있으면 쌍둥이같음
You two look like twins.

둘 다 어쩜 비슷한 길이로 잘라가지구
They're both cut to the same length.

전 생각은 있지만
I have an idea.

Not when I'm blonde.

어두운 색을 하게 된다면
If I dye my hair dark,

그 때 하구싶어요
I want to do it then.

요즘 정말 하고 싶었던 머리는
The hairstyle I really wanted to try these days is...

조이 선배님 머리!!!
Joy's hair!

시스루뱅+흑발+층 있는+중단발보단 조곰 긴
Longer than see-through bangs with black layers, medium short hair.

조이 선배님 인스타에 최근게시물에서 16번째 글 머리
Joy's 16th hair style in a recent post on Instagram.



순이쌤 태그된,,
Tagged by Sooni teacher...

너뮤 예쁘셔요,,🥹
You're so pretty.

맨날 전 층 안치구 일자로만 잘랐었는데
I used to cut it in a straight line on the entire floor.

요즘 층 쳐진 머리가 너무 예뻐보이더라구용
My layered hair looks so pretty these days.

지금도 층 치긴 했는데 더 쳐야하나!!
I hit the floor right now, but do I have to hit more?

막 이랬다가 히메컷
And then Hime cut.

히메컷 낫밷인데
It's not a hime cut.


그냥 가만히 있을래요
I'll just stay still.

머리 아끼자
Let's save our hair.

대부분의 사람들은 히메컷을 좋아하지 않는다. 제발 그러지마.

  • ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    Most people don't like hime cut. Please don't be like that.

  • (Laughs) (Laughs)

(Laughs) (Laughs)

It's so funny.(Laughs)

무리한 도전 할 생각 없습니다
I don't want to try too hard.