2022 07 19 2310
이걸 안올렸었더라구우우
I didn't upload this.
왜 안올려찌이
Why aren't you putting it up?
진소리는 현지니테 올린다구 하고 올려써?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
당욘 ㅋ
Did you say that you're going to post the real sound on Hyunji Nite?(Laughs) -
That's right.
근데 그때 현진이가 내 허락받고 올리느라 늦었다해짜나
But Hyunjin was late because he got my permission to post it.It's the year of the sun.
그 때도 나한테 안물어봄,,,
Even then, you didn't ask me...
둥둥씨들이 좋아할만한 것이 또 하나 있길래
There was something else that you might like.
올리고 나는 연습하러 간다잉
I'm going to go practice.