2022 07 14 2216
헉,, 진돌씌 오랜만이에요... 보고싶었고, 그리웠어요.
하루안왔다구 이렇다구?!
Jindol-ssi, it's been a while. I missed you. I missed you. -
It's not been a day?!
좀 바쁘게 살려고 어제 새벽까지 열일해쎠
I worked hard until early last night to live a busy life.
돌아온 TMT 애타게 기다렸어😂
나 이 별명 굉장히 안 좋 아 해!
I waited anxiously for TMT to come back 😂 -
I really don't like this nickname!
팹 금지령 받은줄 ;;
I thought you got a fab ban ;; -
Groly's family.
아니 근데 저 카페 진짜 맛있음
No, but that cafe is really good.
a strong inflammation of the spine
그래서 어딘데녀
So, where are you? -
It says--
망고 전문점인가??
ㄴㄴ 복숭아케익임
Is it a mango restaurant? -
No, it's peach cake.
오늘 얘기하면 벌써 세번째 얘기함…
그니께 누가 공지방 만들어줘
If I talk about it today, it's already the third time I' -
Someone open an announcement room.
진도리가 여권용으로 찍은 사진을 보고 싶습니다.
잘나오면 팹에 올릴 생각 있었는데 못 나와서 과감하게 포기에요
I'd like to see the picture taken by Jindo-ri for her passport. -
I was going to post it on Fab if it came out well. I gave up because I couldn't come out.
딘도리누나 오늘도 예쁘신데 왜 이렇게 이쁜지 궁금합니다
나 스타일리스트쌤 한 분이 멤버 중에 최애얼굴이래 탸캬탸캬캬컄캬캬캬캬캬컄ㅋ
Dindori, you're so pretty today. I'm curious why you're so pretty. -
One of my stylists is my favorite member.
진솔 오늘은 좀
JinSoul, today is kind of...
빠르게 사라지겠어요
It's going to disappear quickly.
잘자요 둥둥이들 🫶🏻
Good night, Dungdoongs. 🏻
이제 잘고에요
Good night.
Sleep tight.