2022 07 10 2115
오늘 하나도 안더워서
It's not hot at all today.
It's a relief.
웅니 마이에 먼지..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
어쩔수없다 이 재질
Dust on Woong's mai...(Laughs) -
I can't help it. This material.
오늘 저만 더웠던거에요...?
엥 여긴 너무 시원행
Was I the only one who was hot today...? -
This place is so nice.
애들이 우리 교복 이뿌대
They said our uniforms are pretty.
오눌 정수리볼륨 대박
The volume of the top of the head is amazing.
나 근데 살쪘나 턱선실종
Did I gain weight? My jawline is missing.
기다료바 자기들
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
사진 셀렉 좀 해볼게
Let me select a picture.
ㅇ ㅏ나 교복 너무조아
My school uniform is too small.
I need to change.
I'm not changing.
진솔아 교복 갈아입지 말고 브이앱 한번 해줘 팬싸 못간 팬들을 위해 ㅠㅠ
미리 예약을 못한 나 자신을 용서해줘요
JinSoul, don't change your school uniform and do V LIVE. For the fans who couldn't go to the fan signing event. -
Forgive me for not making a reservation in advance.