2022 07 09 2091
아뉘 공트에 올라왔다는건뒈
No, it's on the official website.
컨펌해달라는 분들이 계시네유
There are people asking for confirmation.
그럼 컨펌해달라는 분들 계신 김에 팹에 다른 사진 올려줘
Since there are people asking for confirmation, please post another picture on Fab. -
I don't have any.
예림이랑 찍은 사진 네장중 한 장은 얼굴에 빛이 없고 나머지 세 장은 빛나고 있는데 무슨 차이가 있나요? 궁금해집니다. (물론 다른 의미에서 항상 빛나는 얼굴이긴 한데)
아동노,, 그냥 찍었을 뿐잉데 그렇게 나왔도라
One of the four pictures I took with Yerim has no light on my face and the other three are shining, what's the difference? I'm curious. (Of course, you're always shining in a different way) -
I just took it, but it came out like that.
어제 헤어랑 착장 꽤 맘에 들었나봐 사진 짱마니 올라왔어 ㅋㅋ
저의 사진 수가 제 마음을 뜻합니다
I must have liked my hair and outfit quite a bit yesterday. The picture was uploaded. -
The number of pictures means how I feel.
오늘은 100만개 올라오겠네?
오늘 웨트헤어라ㅜ
There will be a million hearts today. -
I have wet hair today.
아 교복인거 다들 아네
Everyone knows it's a school uniform.
금발이라,, 교복이 참,, 애매
Blonde hair, school uniform is very ambiguous.
동복 마이를 입을까 말까 고민중
I'm thinking about whether to wear a winter uniform or not.
교복 사진은 전에 봐찌?
Did you see the school uniform picture before?
마이 입는게 이뿌긴한데
It's pretty when I wear a jacket.
근데 겁나 덥게찌
But it's really hot, right?
입었는데 나름 갠춘
I wore it, but it's kind of like a spring.
It's not hot.
머리색이 밝아져서 조끼만 입으면 별로 안이쁘ㅓ
My hair color got brighter, so I don't look pretty when I wear a vest.
이미 반팔셔츠류 입어서 마이 못벗을들
I can't take off my shirt because I'm already wearing short-sleeved shirts.
머리색이 너무 노는 학생
a student whose hair color is too much fun.
마이가 부직포라 보풀이 대박이여요
The lint is amazing because it's a nonwoven fabric.
더운거보다 부직포재질이라 약간 피가 안통하는 느낌이 강함
It's made of nonwoven fabric, so it feels like blood doesn't flow.
What's shocking is...
허리가 그리 안컸음
the waist is not that is not so big
교복 딱 맞아
It fits perfectly.
10키로 차인데
It's a 10kg difference.
꾸역꾸역 넣어 입었나,,
Did you wear it inside out?
근데 스타일쌤이
But the stylist...
내 치마가 젤 길대
My skirt is the longest.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
유교녀가 아니라,, 우리 학교 슬개골까지라구우
Not a Confucian girl, but my school's patella.
그래도 무릎위로 있네
It's still on your knees.
키가 컸나봐
I guess I grew taller.
잠깐 스포샷
Wait, spoiler shot.
울 학교교복 이뿌지이
Our school uniform, "Eppujii".
백팩 매고 가야하나
Should I wear a backpack?
요즘 크로스백이라구?
Crossback these days?
휘경여고는 그거 안됐을걸
Hwiyoung Girls' High School probably didn't do that.
어제 초등학생 컨셉에서
Yesterday, in the elementary school concept,
고등학생으로 성장함
Becoming a high school student
휘경여고 시절 진솔이 100프로 재연해줘
살도 찌워가야하나
Please reenact JinSoul 100% when she was at Hwigyeong Girls' High School. -
Do I have to gain weight?
중학교 교복은,,, 빨간 마이라,, 좀 그래
Middle school uniform is... red mummy... it's kind of.
고딩땐 안경 안썼지롱
I didn't wear glasses when I was in high school.
아 졸업사진 재현해달래
They want me to reproduce my graduation picture.
근데 저땐 왼쪽얼굴 써서 좌우반전만 해볼게요^^
But I'll use my left side of my face then.^^
진솔웅니 포토타임때 마이 어깨에 걸치고 손 주머니에 넣구 찍어줘
저 마이 안벗을 예정이라 이건 패쓰할게요^^
During JinSoul Woong's photo time, put it on my shoulder and put it in my hand pocket. -
I'm not going to take off my jacket, so I'll pass this one.^^
지금 이미 반팔셔츠를 입어버려성
I'm already wearing a short-sleeved shirt.
그 기대와 다를거에여
It's not what I expected.
누나 마이에 명찰도 있나요
우린 명찰 없어찌롱
Do you have a name tag on your mai? -
We don't have name tags.
학생때 찍던 느낌
Like when I was a student.