2022 07 09 2076
오 올라왔네
Oh, it came up.
여권사진의 결과는 아직 저도 안봐서 말이쥬
I haven't seen the results of the passport photo yet.
웅 흰배경이라 흰 옷 안된대ㅜ
They said no white clothes because it's a white background.
오 새로운 엠비티아이 했는데
Oh, I did a new MVI.
T 나옴
T came out.
Look at this.
아 마자
as soon as I know
민수언니 노래나왔는데
MIN SU's song came out.
한번 들어주세요🤭
Please listen to it.🤭
급 홍보
a sudden promotion
'오해금지' 많관부
Please look forward to "No Misunderstanding".
민수는 혼란스럽다 그 민수님이야?
Minsu is confused. Is that Minsu? -
That's right!
근데 어떻게 아는 사이야???
대학교 때 같은 조였습니당 헤헤
But how do you know each other? -
We were in the same group in college.
점점 머리가 아파오는 중
My head is starting to hurt.
포니테일의 단점
the downside of a ponytail
아 놀래라 두통 온다는쥴 알고 놀랬자나
같이 옵니다 ㅎ
Oh, my. I was surprised to find out that I was going to get a headache. -
They're coming together. Hah!