2022 07 04 1996

오늘 엄마가
Today, my mom...

복숭아를 주셨는데
They gave me peaches.

깎아먹을 칼이 없어서
I don't have a knife to cut.

칼을 쇼핑해야할거같아요
Maybe I should shop for knives.

언니 턱선으로 깎아도 되지 않아?

  • 요즘 점점 사라지더군
    Can't you use your jawline?

  • It's been disappearing lately.

복숭아 껍질에 섬유질이 많다는데 껍질째 먹는것도 좋을듯

  • 털있는 백도복숭안데?
    I heard that peach peel has a lot of fiber, so it would be good to eat it with the peel.

  • You look like a white peach with fur.

a real stone

이제 빠이
Bye for now.

아니 뭐 잘자야!
No, what do you mean good night!

I'm going to eat.

회 먹
Eating raw fish.

Food poisoning


식중독 조심하세요🥹
Be careful not to get food poisoning.🥹

와 비주얼 대박임
Wow, it looks amazing.


Of course.

아주 맛있네요
It's very delicious.

아이돌한테 할소린 아닌데 술없이 회가 가능한가여

  • 완전 가능한디요
    It's not something to say to an idol. Is sashimi possible without alcohol?

  • It's totally possible.

What are you doing?

낼 모입을까 고민중
I'm thinking about wearing a woolen hat.

진돌 실시간
Jindol real time.

셔츠같은 잠옷같은 셔츠같은 잠옷인가요??

  • 네,,,,?
    Pajamas like shirts? Pajamas like a shirt?

  • Yes?

These are my pajamas.

그거 입고 가도 되겠다

  • 앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ요론 느낌 좋아요?
    You can wear that.

  • Oh, my.(Laughs)Do you like this?

셔츠 좋아?
Do you like the shirt?


여름에 긴팔 잠옷을 입다니 놀랍구나

  • 바지는 반바지임
    I'm surprised you wear long-sleeved pajamas in the summer.

  • Pants are shorts.

정진솔 현실 대딩룩 해주세요.

  • 뭐 입고 다녔더라,,
    JinSoul, please do a realistic college student look.

  • What did I wear?

잘쟈요 둥둥이
Good night, Doongdoong.

그리고 DD 🫶🏻
And DD 🏻


빵 먹는중
Eating bread.


진돌 퇴근중
Jindol is on his way home.

(다들 자겠지?)
(Everyone is probably sleeping, right?)


난 고원이랑 있어찌롱
I'm with Go Won.

밥먹구 떠들다가 한 15분전에 헤어져씀
We were eating and chatting, and we broke up about 15 minutes ago.

이제 곧 자야지요옹
I'm going to sleep soon.Yes.

잘 준비 끄읕!
Get ready to sleep!

잘자요 둥둥!
Good night!


잘자아 모두 푹~자
Good night, everyone. Sleep tight.


너 내 생각하나봐
You must be thinking about me.


잘자요오오옹 🥱
Good night 🥱

어우 졸려
Oh, I'm sleepy.

진짜 잔다요
I'm really sleeping.