2022 07 02 1961
우와 -몇 통 정도?근데 혹시 다른 언어로 쓴 편지가 있나요?
Wow. How many bottles?By the way, is there a letter written in another language? -
There is!
나보다 나이 많은 분들도 있다 헤헤
There are people who are older than me. hehe
편지 다 읽었다!
I finished reading the letter!
나는 이제 잘게요옹
I'm going to sleep now.Yes.
누나 팹 편지도 자주 봐요??
당연 !
Do you read Fab's letters often? -
Of course!
낼 막방이야
It's the last show tomorrow.
내가 자고 일나야 오늘이야ㅡㅡ
I'm sleeping and I'm working. It's today--
빨리 끝나서 아쉽긴하지만,,
It's a shame that it ended early.
피티티보단 오래했네ㅜ구래도
It's been longer than PT.
히히 막방 힘차게 할 수 있도록
So that we can do our last show powerfully,
Sleep tight, Jiyi.
다들 까만밤 주무세요
Everyone, have a good night.
DD, too!
둥둥씨들 덥지ㅜ
It's hot, right now.
사녹시간 그대로일텐데에,,
The pre-recording time will remain the same.
12시에 인첵하면 안되는데에
I can't check in at midnight.
Don't go.
곧 인쳌할거같아요
I think I'm going to check in soon.
다시 공지됐죵
It's been announced again.
휴 오빛없이 무대할뻔!
I almost performed without ORBIT!
내가 생각한 헤어아이템이 실패했어🫠
The hair item I thought of failed.
(Sound effects)
What should I do?
요론 느낌을 생각했는제
I thought about this feeling.
혜주가 요리사같대
They say Hyejoo looks like a chef.
계획대로 흘러가지 않는 상황을 겪는 J인간이군
A J-human who's going through a situation that doesn't go as planned. -
베레모 대 머리띠 대 머리삔
Beret vs. headband vs. hairpin.
머리띠랑 베레모가 젤 많군
Headbands and berets are the most common.
머리띠가 더 많아졌네
There are more headbands.
머리띠 탕탕
Headband, tap tap tap.
근데 머리띠 하면 볼륨 안살아서 괜찮아요? 진짜 예쁘긴 한데
지금 살리는 중
Is it okay if I wear a hairband because it doesn't give volume? It's really pretty. -
I'm saving it now.
폴라 아주 잘찍었다
You took a great Polaroid picture.
사녹 끄읕
The pre-recording is over.
너무 덥지 둥둥,,,
It's too hot.
난 그래도 차 바로 타서 괜찮은데
I'm okay because I got in the car right away.
언능 카페나 식당가서 밥먹구 에어컨 쐬자!
Let's go to a cafe or restaurant, eat, and turn on the air conditioner!
이미 집에서 선풍기 켜고 누워있는뎁쇼
누구보다 부럽네
I'm already lying down at home with the fan on. -
I envy you more than anyone else.
나도 너무 덥네^^
It's so hot for me too ^^
진돌 밥 먹는중
Jindol is eating.
김치찌개 먹는주웅
Joo Woong is eating kimchi stew.
오히려조아 하늘색셔츠 진돌색으로 만들기...🥹
Rather, making Joa's sky blue shirt dark brown...🥹 -
That's cool.
언니 폴라 당첨된분꺼 슬쩍 봤는데 진짜 레전드 폴라👍😂
그치 오늘 좀 잘 찍음
I peeked at the picture of the person who won the polaroid, and it's really legendary. 👍😂 -
That's right. I took it well today.
진돌아 오늘 의상 보면 소녀시대 선배님 훗 무대를 하고 있는 것 같아요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그쵸 저도 그 생각했움
Jindol, if you look at today's outfit, it looks like you're performing Girls' Generation's "Hoot". (Laughs) -
That's right. I thought that, too.
오늘 슬로우윗더베이스 킹받는다고 놀림받는중
I'm being teased for being slow-witted.
LOL. Cook.(Laughs)
의상이 소녀시대 선배님 훗! 같아서 총으로 바꿔봐쏘
The outfit is Girls' Generation's haha! It's the same. Switch it to a gun.
원래 화살이지만,,,
It's an arrow, but...