2022 07 01 1942

캐쥬얼이야 옷은
The clothes are casual.

오늘 팬싸 착장 사복이야?

  • 사복은 아니구 준비해주신거 헤헤
    Is this your own outfit for the fan signing outfit?

  • It's not my own clothes. It's what they prepared for me.

스크럽 헤어를 원하시는데
You want a scrub hair.

너무 무대 헤어 아냐? 킄ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Isn't it too stage hair? Hehehehehe.

Go Mi Yi In

낼 머리는 정해져있늠
I've got my hair set.

한 이틀전에 내가 정함
I decided a couple of days ago.

오늘건 진짜 안정했었눈데
It was really stable today.

스크럽머리로 하기로 탕탕탕
I'm going to do scrub hair.

진솔 뿌리가 자라서 스크럽 머리 포기
JinSoul's roots grew, so I gave up on scrub hair.

I'm sorry...

너무 힙한 머리가 되더라구용
It became too hip.

포니 대 반묶
a pony-to-half ponytail

다 다르네,,
It's all different.

It's half and half.

I think I'll tie it in half.

오늘 의상엔 반묶이야!
Half-up ponytail for today's outfit!

앞으로 뭐 시간 많으니,, 차차
We have a lot of time left, so gradually...

오늘 샵쌤들이 1등 축하 케이크 해주셨당
Our hair stylists gave us a cake to celebrate winning first place.



순수한 마음으로 축하해주시나보네

  • 아낰ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ순수짜앙🫶🏻
    I guess you're congratulating me with a pure heart.

  • Anak.(Laughs) (Laughs)Pure. Ta-da. 🏻

진도리 21세다운 상큼함 기사 떳네 ㅋㅋㅋ https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/312/0000556142

  • 21살 됐어 아싸뵹
    There's an article about the freshness of 21 years old in Jindo-ri. https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/312/0000556142

  • I'm 21 years old. Yay!

아 마저
Oh, my.

케익감동썰 더 있음
There's more cake moving story.

내가 생일날 쌤께 받은 케익 너무 맛있다했었는데 그게 성수에만 있거든뇨? 사람두 많구ㅜ 근데 예약까지 하면서 준비해주신거였어여 ㅠㅡㅠ
I said the cake I got from the teacher on my birthday was really good, but it's only in Seongsu. There were a lot of people, but they prepared it while making a reservation.

지짜 짱!!!
Ziza is the best!

케이크 진짜 맛집인데
Cake is really good.

전에 알려드렸었는데
I told you before.

다시 알려줘?
You want me to tell you again?

라프레플루트! 여기래용
La Preflute! It's here.

Let's go home!

다들 모하숑
Everyone, what are you doing?

물어보고 또 물어본거 까먹음
I forgot to ask again and again.

낼 의상 왜케 스포해달래!!!
Why are you asking for spoilers for my outfit?

자고 일어나면 금방이여~!
It's soon after I wake up!

웅니는 중고딩때 교복 하복이랑 동복 다 잇어요?

  • 다 있더라구영 ㅎㅡㅎ 고등학교꺼만!
    Woongni, do you have school uniform and winter uniform when you're in middle and high school?

  • They all have it. Only high school ones!

아직까지 맞는가??

  • 그 때보다 지금이 10키로 덜 나감ㅎ
    Is it still correct?

  • Now I'm 10kg less than then.

동복이 좋아 하복이 좋아

  • 전 동복파요 휘경여고하복은 별루얌,,
    I like winter uniform or summer uniform.

  • I'm a winter uniform lover. Summer uniform of Hwiyoung Girls' High School is not good.

근데 왜 교복입어요

  • 입는다고 안했는디요
    But why are you wearing a school uniform?

  • I didn't say I'd wear it.

왜 교복 안 입어요

  • 학생이 아니라소요
    Why aren't you wearing a school uniform?

  • I'm not a student.

휘경여고 서울에 있던뎅

  • 네 제가 서울사람이여가지구
    Hwiyoung Girls' High School was in Seoul.

  • Yes, I'm from Seoul.

엉니는 그 교복 잘 입는 편이였어요??

  • 안입는날은 주말뿐
    Was your sister good at wearing school uniforms?

  • The only days I don't wear it are the weekends.

진솔이 와이셔츠 입을때 단추 다 묶어 아니면 위에 하나는 풀러?? 나는 다 묶으면 불편하던데..

  • 하나 풀어야죠 폴라티도 목 답답해서 못입는 편이라,,
    When JinSoul wears a shirt, tie all the buttons or untie the top one? It's uncomfortable for me to tie it all up.

  • I have to solve one. I can't wear a turtleneck T-shirt because my neck is stuffy.

온니는 체육복으로 잘 안 갈아입었어요??

  • 치마 안에 체육복바지입고 선도부지나자마자 치마는 벗는거죠
    Didn't Onni change into a gym clothes?

  • Wear gym pants underneath your skirt and take off your skirt as soon as you pass the student council.

하복 셔츠였어? 아니면 생활복? 그 시기가 막 바뀌는 시기 아니었나

  • 둘 다 있던 나름 신세대거든여ㅡㅡ
    Was it a summer shirt? Or daily clothes? I think it's a time when things change.

  • They're both new generations--

프사 바꿈
Changing profile picture.

Kyokyo Corporation

진솔아 중간 손가락 을 검지로 바꾸는게 어떨까..?ㅋㅋ

  • 오해가 있으신듯
    JinSoul, how about changing your middle finger to index finger?lol

  • I think there's a misunderstanding.
