2022 06 24 1820

당황한거 +

그렇게 바로 딱 잡힐 줄 몰라써
I didn't know I'd get caught that fast.

원래 제대로 앉았으면 지우랑 같이 나왔을텐데
If I sat properly, I would have come out with Jiwoo.

It's too bad,,,🫠

교복짤은 아직 많이 남았지요 히히
There are still a lot of school uniform gifs left.

웅니 다음에 엔딩 잡히면 호랑이 포즈나 구혜선 포즈(a.k.a 정잔디) 해주시면 안대나요

  • 잡아주신다면 바로오~!
    If you get the ending scene, please strike a tiger pose or do a Ku Hyesun pose.

  • If you can grab it, it's...

오늘 엔딩 쁘이는 하려고 준비한거야?

  • 아뇽 당황의 브이^^!
    Did you prepare for today's ending V?

  • No, the embarrassed V^^!

오늘 땋은 양갈래는 수영이가 대신 하고 왔떠라 ! 진도리는 오늘 하려나?

  • 와 나 진짜 언제할지 너무 고민중야 ㅠㅡㅜ
    Sooyoung did the pigtails instead of me! Are we going to do Jindo-ri today?

  • Wow, I'm really thinking about when to do it.

일단 헤어쌤들에게 말씀은 드려놨오
I told the hair stylists first.

팬분들이랑 공약해서 한 번 땋은 양갈래 해야해요 하믄서,,
I have to make a promise with the fans and do pigtails. What should I do?

앗 오늘은 진짜 양갈래 하는거야????

  • 오늘은 안할공데에~!
    Are you really going to do pigtails today?

  • I'm not going to do it today!

오늘 생각했던건
What I thought about today...

포니테일 아니면 머리띠 였음
Ponytail or headband.

참고로 음중얘기
For your information, talk about "Show! Music Core".

머리띠가 정수리 볼륨이 좀 없어보여서 고민
The headband doesn't look voluminous on the top of my head.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ정수리볼륨 생명이라;;;;;
(Laughs) (Laughs)The volume of the top of the head is vital.

그래서 사실 내 마음은 80퍼센트 포니테일
So, in fact, my heart is 80% ponytail.

와 이제야 숙소에유
Wow, now I'm at the dorm.

언눙 잘 준비해야해!!
You have to prepare well!!

잡니다아 안녕🫠
I'm going to sleep. Bye!

좀 멋지면서 킹받는 프사로 바꾸고 자야지
I'm going to change to a profile picture that's cool but I'm going to sleep.

공트에 올리긴 부끄러운
It's embarrassing to post it on official Twitter.

벽잡기 포즈
Holding the wall pose.

음 딴거할랴
Well, I don't think I should do anything else.

잘쟈용 🫶🏻
Good night 🏻

Good morning.

사녹오시는 분들도 벌써 출발이구나,,?
Those who are coming to the pre-recording are already leaving, right?

짱 빠르군
It's so fast.

It's hard.

아 마저 사녹오신분들한테 제가 쉿!🤫 하곤 했는데 무대하는거 아니면 목 아껴요 킄ㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠ
For those who came to the pre-recording, I used to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

둥둥이 성대 지키기
Protect your vocal cords.

응원법 진짜 잘 들리더라구용
I could hear the fan chant really well.

물론 난 못가지만 다 달소아니야? 성대정도야 ㅋㅋ

  • 안방1열에서 응원법 외치기
    Of course I can't go, but isn't it all sweet? It's just the vocal cords lol.

  • Shout out the fan chant in the front row of your room.

오, 지금 새벽 5시 아니야? 얼마나 잤어요?

  • 2시간,,?
    Oh, isn't it 5 a.m.? How long did you sleep?

  • 2 hours...?

나는… 홍콩에서 응원법 외치기 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • 그것도 좋아아아~! 글로벌~~!
    I... Shout out the fan chant in Hong Kong.(T)

  • That's good too! Global!

진솔씨 눈 자꾸 뚤어지게 쳐다보길래 저도모르게 피해버렷어요..

  • 나에게 이런 썰도 생긴다
    JinSoul, you kept looking at me with big eyes, so I avoided it without realizing it.

  • There's a story like this about me.

오늘도 화이팅💖💖 오늘은 또 어떤 의상 어떤 헤어 어떤 화장일지 너무 기대된다🔥🔥

  • 기대해도 좋아 오늘 내 색깔이야🤭
    Fighting today as well. 💖💖 I'm looking forward to today's outfit, hair, and makeup.🔥🔥

  • You can look forward to it. It's my color today. 🤭

파랑은 아니고 고론 계열
It's not blue. It's a cologne.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

The hair stylist...

깔맞춤 해주신다고
They're going to match the colors.

핑컬핀도 파란걸로 해주심
Make the pink hairpin blue, too.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

이따 봐요오옹
See you later. Oh!

곧 보는군뇽
See you soon.

조곰만 기다령
Just wait for the little bear.

고생해쌰 다들 🤭
Good luck everyone 🤭

오늘 파랑불 많도라
There are a lot of blue lights today.


전체 보라색으로 바꾼 후에 파란불 쪼금씩 있엇댓잖아 그때 언니 내심 기분 좋앗을 듯

  • 😏
    After changing it to purple, there was a bit of blue light. She must have felt good.

  • 😏