2022 06 21 1755
난 읽씹이 더 마음아파 나랑 대화 끝내고싶구나 라는 느낌이랄까 슬퍼
근데 의미없게 흘러가는 대화창보단,, 나을수도 있지않으까,,,? 🥹
It hurts me more to read and ignore. I'm sad to say that I want to end the conversation with you. -
But wouldn't it be better than the meaningless chat window?
그리고 제가 사실 그 알림 떠있는걸 못보는 성격이라,,
And I actually don't get to see the notification.
카톡대화방도 주기적으로 정리하는 그런 습관이 있달까
I have a habit of organizing Kakao Talk chat rooms regularly.
너무 대화방을 나가서 필요한 대화방을 나간적도 있고
There were times when I left the chat room that I needed.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
단톡은 잘 못나가죵 임시로 만든게 아닌 이상,,?
I can't do group chat well unless it's made temporarily..?
진솔이는 카톡보다 전화 더 조아하지?
요즘엔 둘 다 힘드러요,,,,,,,,,하지만 전화가 더 좋다
JinSoul likes phone calls more than Kakao Talk, right? -
These days, both of them are hard, but the phone is better.
갑자기 궁금한데 잘 자요 했다가 카톡 단톡방 얘기까지 나오는건 무슨 의식의 흐름이야?
움. 이 질문은 좋아서 무러본거야 시러서 무러본거야! 3시까지만 하구 잘라구옹
What kind of stream of consciousness is it when you suddenly say good night and then talk about the group chat on Kakao Talk? -
Hmm. I'm afraid of this question because I like it or because I hate it! I'm going to cut you off until 3 o'clock.
진솔이는 잘 때 노래 틀어놓고 자?💖
놉 완전 조용한걸 선호하는데, 차에선 그러질 못하니까 발라드노래모음 틀어놓고 자는편
JinSoul, do you turn on music when you sleep?💖 -
Nope. I prefer to be super quiet. I can't do that in the car, so I play a collection of ballad songs.
가끔 전화받기 귀찮을 때 일부러 안받은 적 잇어요??ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ전 쉬고잇을때 친구가 전화하면 가끔 그래서…미안하다 친구야
매우 많음 어제도 그럼
Have you ever purposely not answered when you are lazy to answer the phone?(Laughs) (Laughs)When my friend calls me while I'm resting, I sometimes...I'm sorry, my friend. -
It's a lot. Yesterday, too.
여튼 모두 잘자욤
Anyway, good night everyone.
곧 보는 둥둥씨들
We'll see you soon, Mr. Ddongdoongs.
이따 봐요
See you later.
피곤하겠다 다들
Everyone must be tired.
수영이가 생일선물로 준 크록스
Crocs that Sooyoung gave me as a birthday present.
Showing off.
오늘 마침 지비츠까지 선물해줘서
I'm going to get Zibbitz as a gift today.West
Decorate it.
이번 활동은 이 신발과 함께 🙄
This activity is with these shoes 🙄
엥 임티 자꾸ㅡㅡ
🥴 이거임
🥴 This is it.
어디에선가 날 듣고있다면~!~!
If you're listening to me somewhere,
It's not real time.
기다리기 힘들게따잉,,,
It's hard to wait...
조곰만 기다료잉
Just wait for Jo-Gom.
밥은 먹어쓔?
Did you eat?
맥날에 오빛 천지래 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ킄ㅋㅋㅋ
They say there are a lot of ORBITs on McNeal. LOL.
안머근분들도 언능 머거ㅜ
Even the people who didn't stay...
시간 좀 이짜나아
Time's up.
여기 딱지치는중
딱지 쳐져?
I'm playing slap-match here. -
You can get a scab?
나는 수다떨다가 갑자기
I was chatting and suddenly...
졸리기 시작,,
I start to feel sleepy...
자다 일어나유 ㅎㅡㅎ
I just woke up.
웅니 그럼 자기 전에 헤어 스포 함 가능??
Woongni, can you give a spoiler about your hair before you go to sleep? -
Plain hair.
머리 양갈래 안하길 잘해찌
I'm glad I didn't do pigtails.
다들 본방사수 하시길
I hope you all watch it live.
오늘 다들 예쁘게 나옴,,,
Everyone looks pretty today...
난 모름
I don't know.
다들 조심히가요🫶🏻
Get home safely, everyone.🫶🏻
지금 일어난 둥둥이들은 굿모닁
Those who just woke up, good night.
자구 일나따
It's a matter of self-help.
과일 먹는중
Eating fruits.
혜주가 나 최애라고 했더라
Hyejoo said I'm her favorite.
누나 근데 라이어 그거할때 기타치는 포즈?는 왜 한거에요...?
난 분명 내 제스처를 주제에 맞는 느낌으로 한다했눈데 🥲
Why did you do the guitar pose when you played the liar? -
I definitely make my gestures feel like they fit the theme.I did it 🥲
엥 이해를 못하시네,,?
You don't understand?
그니까 그 기타포즈를 헬짱이 힘줄때처럼 했다는건가?
So you did the guitar pose like Hell's strength? -