2022 06 17 1700
모르믄 어때
Who cares if you don't know.
the palace of the eye
그래도 나름 신박한 주제였네요
But it was a new topic.
다른 오빛분,, 그렇게 물어본 질문엔 답을 받을 수 없었다고 한다,,
질문이 뭐였죠,,?
Another Orbit, he said he could not get an answer to the question asked like that. -
What was the question?
내가 아끼는 포카 등장했다
My favorite photo card is here.
분홍꽃 들고있는거
Holding a pink flower.
포카로 나올줄알았눈데
I thought it would come out as a photo card.
급 떨리는군뇨
I'm nervous all of a bit nervous?
Come back;;;;
오랜만에 오프라인이라 떨리는둣
I'm nervous because it's been a while since I've done it offline.
연습 좀 하다옴
I practiced a bit.
그나저나 둥둥씨들
By the way, Mr. Doong.
팬카페보단 공식 sns들을 더 잘 보죠
I look at official SNS better than the fan cafe.
배고프고 졸려
I'm hungry and sleepy.
먹을수없어~ 먹고만싶지만~
I can't eat it. I just want to eat it.
(디지몬ost 멜로디)
(Digimonost melody)
아 체린가?
Is it Cherin?
Oh, my.
낼 무슨 머리하지
What kind of hair should I do tomorrow?
둥둥씨들이 지금 제일 많이 원하는 머리는 아마
The hairstyle that you want the most right now is probably...
기자님들 쇼케이스 때 할거같네요
I think I'll do it at the press showcase.
뭐 원하시는 머리들은
If you want hair style,
활동 때 차차
During promotions,
오늘은 일찍 굿나잇인사를 해보도록 하죵
Let's say good night early today.
Grain gathering.
졸리다 으악
I'm sleepy. Argh.
실시간 진돌
Real-time idol band member.
렌즈를 바꿔낄까 굉장히 고민중
I'm thinking about changing my contact lenses.
뭐든지 익숙한것이 최고인둣,,,,,
Everything that is familiar is the best.
사실 그게 그거임
Actually, that's what it is.
직경 차이^^
Diameter difference ^^
지금 이 게시물 렌즈 vs 프사 렌즈
This post... Lens vs. profile lens.
오 소름돋게
Oh, it gives me goosebumps.
나도 차이모르겠는데
I don't know the difference.
게시물렌즈가 압도적임
Post lens overwhelming
이 게시물 렌즈가
The lens of this post...
사실 거의 모든 게시물 렌즈 일듯
I think it's the lens for almost all posts.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
게시물렌즈 색감 잘나온건 그 발레리나 셀카
The color of the lens that came out well is the ballerina selfie.
어찌됐든 그레이
Anyway, Grey.
오늘은 완전히 과반수니까 둥둥이 말 들어야지
It's a complete majority today, so you have to listen to him.
I changed it.
차이를 알겠어,,,?
Do you see the difference...?
나라면 몰라
I wouldn't know.
There's not much time left.
노래 듣고이쩌?
After listening to the song?