2022 06 13 1651
아주 행복한 생일이 되었습니다 💙 고마워요
It was a very happy birthday. 💙 Thank you.
앞으로도 생일 같은 하루들로 보내보아요 우리
Let's continue to have birthday-like days. We
그리고 공카 셀카 맘에 드시죠? ㅋ
And you like the selfie on the official cafe, right? (Laughs]
못건졌다한건 발레리나 착장이였져
The only thing I didn't get was a ballerina outfit.
베레모착장은 아끼고 아낀것
I've been saving my beret.
Good night 🏻
전 3시간 뒤에 또 일나야해서,,,,🥹
I have to go back to work in 3 hours.
언능 자보도록 하게씀둥
Let's go to sleep.
Let's get up.
Good morning.
휴 놓칠뻔
Phew. I almost missed it.
나랑 놀래?
Do you want to hang out with me?
Who wants to play?
What should I do?
전 하슬이랑 떠드는중
I'm chatting with Haseul.
어 저 못놀아요
I can't play.
베이스하러 갈거임
I'm going to do the base.
진돌은 오징덮밥 먹움
Jindol is eating Ojing over rice.
What's going on?
오늘 스타일링 넘나 맘에 듬
I really like your style today.
못 보여주는게 안타깝
Too bad I can't show you.
지금 고원이가 사진찍어줘따
Go Won, please take a picture.Open it.
히히 나중에 보여줄게에
Hehe I'll show you later
고원이가 찍어준것도 맘에들지만
I like the pictures that GoWon took,
더 건지기 위해
To get more.
매니저님께 또 요청했는데
I asked the manager again.
아주 만족
I'm very satisfied.
사진 잘 찍어주시는 매니저님을 찾았어
I found a manager who takes good pictures.
맨날 멤버들한테 부탁했었는데
I always asked the members to do it.
나의 새로운 사진담당이 탄생인가,,,,,🫣
Is my new photographer born?
상대방동의는 없음
No other party's consent.
참고로 이 게시물 사진도 매니저님이 찍어주신거
For your information, the picture of this post that my manager took, too.