2022 06 12 1622

팬카페 편지로 전하겠습니다
I'll send a letter to the fan cafe.

누나 너무 미안한데 저 먼저 들어가도 돼요? 졸려요 😭


  • 이거 한 두시간전에도 올렸던거같은데 열심히 버티셨네,,, 고생하셨어요
    I'm so sorry, but can I go in first? I'm sleepy 😭


  • I think I posted this about two hours ago. You've done your best. You've done a great job.

또 받은 생일선물 자랑해조요

  • 더 듣기는 브이앱에서
    Please brag about your birthday gift.

  • Listen to it more on Vlive

몇시에 할거야ㅠㅠㅠㅠ그 시간에 뭘하든 그만둬버릴라니까ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • 너무 극단적이얔ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    What time are you going to do it?Whatever I do at that time, I'm going to quit.(Crying)

  • That's too extreme.(Laughs)

웅니 브이앱 몇시쯤 할거예여..? ㅠ 아기오빛은.. 학교가.. 🥺

  • 어른진솔도 일하러가
    Woongni, what time are you going to do Vapp? Baby ORBIT is... School... 🥺

  • Adult Jinsol is going to work, too.

아이 졸려잉
I'm sleepy.

잘 준비를 슬슬 시작해보까나요
Shall we get ready to sleep?

Target is time.

It's 3:40pm.

머리가 빨리 마르길
I hope my hair dries quickly.


네 실패요
Yes, I failed.

말리는 중
I'm drying it.

머리 부풀어가는 중
My hair is getting swollen.

말라간다는 뜻
It means to dry up.

끄읕 누웠다아
I'm lying down.

Good night. 🫶🏻

곧 봐요 🫠
See you soon 🫠

굿모닝 🐯
Good morning 🐯

Eating tuna kimbap.

메컵쌤들이 케익해주셔써 🥹🫶🏻💙
Mecup teachers made me a cake 🫶🥹🏻💙

그래서 아까 케익도 먹어찌롱
That's why I ate cake earlier.

뭐야 갑자기 불루베타대빵생일축하해 뭐임
What is this? "Bulubeta Daeppang, happy birthday!"

오 여진이가 해준거야?
Yeojin did it for you?

샵에서 마주칠땐 서로 뭐 맨날보니 모른척 했는디
When we ran into each other at the salon, we pretended not to know each other.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

It's cute. ^^

머리 말리고 있더라고
He was drying his hair.

괜히 인사했다가 씹힐각 아니니
I shouldn't have said hello.

여튼 여진이 고맙다 사실 너 팹 게시물 내 생일추카글이길래 좋아요 누르긴 함
Anyway, thank you Yeojin. I like your post on Fab because it's my birthday post. I did press it.

근데 다른 언니들은 미역국이던데 난 선물이네 띠용 생각함
Other members thought it was seaweed soup, but I thought it was a gift.

난 좋아
I like it.

어제 먹었으니
Since I ate it yesterday,

아까 헤어받으면서 둥둥씨들이 보내준 편지도 좀 읽었는데
When I got my hair done, I read some letters from Mr. Dung.

내가 안읽을거라고 생각하는 분들이 꽤 계시더라구염
There were quite a few people who thought I wouldn't read it.

아님니다. 빨리 읽진 못해도 다 읽는다구용
No, I can't read fast, but I can read everything.

틈틈히 읽고 있으니까 걱정 마숑
I'm reading from time to time, so don't worry.

그리고 아주 감사합니다,, 히히 🥴🫣
And thank you very much hehe 🥴🫣

효녀가수라뇨,, 보내주신거 읽기만 할뿐
What do you mean filial daughter singer? I just read what you sent me.

진돌 근데 지금 식곤증타임
Jindol, but it's time for food coma.


살짝이 아니라
It's not just a little bit.

stretching out

이제 전 일하러감니다
Now I'm going to work.

Did you watch the live?

8시반 브이앱
Vlive at 8:30


약간 딜레이
There's a slight delay.

Just 10 minutes.

봐주셔서 감사합니다🫶🏻
Thank you for reviewing it.🫶🏻