2022 06 11 1614

제 감성 어떠신가요
What do you think about my emotions?

제 팹은 소통 겸 인스타대용이라; 피드 꾸며줘야해요
My fab is for communication and Instagram; I need to decorate my feed.

하 진솔언니 저 언니 팹 구독 1일차인데 달사진이.. 하지만 프사 보면서 침흘리는중 히히^^

  • 안타깝게,, 피드꾸미기 사진 당첨되셨네요
    JinSoul, it's my first day of subscribing to your fab, and the moon picture... But drooling while looking at my profile picture hehe^^

  • Unfortunately, you won the feed decoration photo.

진솔누나 팹 5주차인데 완전 알차요 여러분 진솔하세요👍

  • 진솔 팹 5주차 후기
    It's been 5 weeks since JinSoul's fashion started, and it's so full. Be JinSoul.👍

  • JinSoul Fab's 5th week review.

진도리팹이 가성비 제일좋아요👍

  • 칭찬인것이죠? 그래요 알찹니다
    Jindo Repap has the best cost-effectiveness.👍

  • It's a compliment, right? Yes, it's full.

진솔 팹 장점 : 맨날와서 안심심함 맨날 놀아줌 진솔 팹 단점 : 포인트 순삭

  • 포인트 순삭 ㄴㄴ 배터리 순삭 ㅇㅇ
    JinSoul Fab Advantage: He comes every day and plays with me every day because he's not bored. Jinsol Fab's Disadvantages: Point Spanning

  • Point disappeared in an instant. Battery disappeared so fast.

동대문이네 apm건물에 진솔이 생일 광고 붙은 거 오늘 봤나보구나!!💙🫶

  • 11시반에 도착했는데 이미 빈화면이더라구요,,,,,,🥹
    I guess you saw JinSoul's birthday ad on Dongdaemun's APM building today!💙🫶

  • I arrived at 11:30, but it was already empty.

또르르 눈물이 흘러간다
Tears are flowing down my eyes.

30분 빨리 끝나는거 해명해~!
Explain that it ends 30 minutes faster!

그나저나 저 닭강정 먹을거에요
By the way, I'm going to eat sweet and sour chicken.

아 매워용 매콤맛으로 시켰도니
Oh, it's spicy. I ordered spicy food.

하지만 맛있다
But it's delicious.

I'm sleepy.

졸린데 맛있다
I'm sleepy but it's good.

웅니 안잔다
Woong is not sleeping.

누나 안잔다
I'm not sleeping.

형 안잔다
I'm not sleeping.

동생 안잔다
He's not sleeping.

칭구 안잔다
Qinggu is not sleeping.

친구 졸리다
My friend is sleepy.

오빠는 왜 안하냐면
The reason I'm not doing it is because...

리얼 우리오빠랑 헷갈려서요
I got confused with my real brother.

혹시 오빠는 안 자요?

  • 방금 이 질문이 들어왔는데, 저희 친오빠가 궁금한건가 싶죠?
    Aren't you sleeping?

  • I just got this question. Are you curious about my brother?

귀요미는 안자요?

  • 녭>< 아딕 잘 준비를 못해쪄염
    Cutie is not sleeping?

  • <Adic is not ready to sleep.

멋진우오빠는 생일이 3월3일 이거만 알아요

  • 멋진웈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    My cool brother's birthday is March 3rd. I only know this.

  • Nice wook.(Laughs) (Laughs)

우리아빠가 근데 진짜 그렇게 저장해놓음
But my dad saved it like that.

예쁜솔 멋진우
Pretty Sol Cool Woo

솔아 라고 부르는건 아빠만 허락합니다
I only allow you to call me Sol-ah.

솔~ 은 아빠꺼
Sol is my dad's.

넌 ~ 내꺼~
You are mine.




휴 진솔아 나 진짜 너꺼야???????

  • 휴 아니요.
    Jinsol, am I really yours?

  • Phew. No.

전 모두의 것
I belong to everyone.

아니 언니는 활동 할 따 피곤해하지도 않는 것 같던데 이렇게 늦게 자도 다음날 괜차노아여?

  • 일상이 좀 피곤하지만 새벽은 즐거워~!
    No, you don't seem to be tired because of the promotion. Is it okay if you sleep this late the next day?

  • My daily life is a bit tiring, but dawn is fun!

언니 오늘 고원이랑 데이트때 셀카 많이 찍었어?

  • 셀카는 아니지만 진돌네컷찌금
    Did you take a lot of selfies with GoWon today?

  • It's not a selfie, but Jindol's four cuts...


움직이자 빠르게
Let's move quickly.

4시안에 자겠습니다
I'll sleep at 4 o'clock.

I was dozing off.

진솔아 넌 둘중에 어떤 옷 입고싶어??

교복 VS 제복

지금 주간아에서 투표중이야!

  • 저 교복사랑단입니다만
    Jinsol, which clothes do you want to wear?

School uniform vs. uniform.

We're voting on Weekly Idol now!

  • I'm a school uniform lover.ten thousand

🎤언니 오늘 매트와홈트 했엉?

  • 순간 패트와매트로봄
    🎤 Did you do home training with Matt today?

  • Momentarily Pat and Matroboom

잘자요 둥둥 DD 🫶🏻
Good night DD 🏻