2022 05 07 1155
말했지않나? 관둔이유
Didn't I tell you why I quit?
I didn't tell you.
별걸 다 말한거같은데 이건 왜 말앙해찌
I think I said everything, but why did I say this?
바이올린은 배우면서
I learned how to play the violin.
막 쓰러지기도 하고,,, 🤮 이런적도 있어여,,,
I sometimes fall down, 🤮 I have done this,
두통이 자주 오더라구요?
I get headaches often.
저랑 안맞나봐요
I guess it doesn't suit me.
소리가 바로 옆에서 나서 그런가
Is it because the sound is right next to me?
뭐 그런이유도 있고
That's why.
실력도 안늘고,,, 흥미를 점점 잃어갔었어,,,
My skills did not improve and I lost interest.
잘 준비 끝
I'm ready to sleep.
잘자요 둥둥
Good night.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
팹이욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 욱기네
Fab yoak!(Laughs) (Laughs) I'm getting angry.
I'm hungry.
오늘의 일정끝
The end of today's schedule.
저메추 해주셈
Please recommend dinner menu.
배고파 나 주금
I'm hungry now.
떡볶이 시켰는데 피자도 먹고싶다
I ordered tteokbokki and I want to eat pizza.
그리고 숙소왔는데 나 에어컨을 키고 나가서
And when I came to the dorm, I turned on the air conditioner and went out.
너무 추워
It's freezing.
추워서 주금
It's cold so I can't drink alcohol.
아 떡볶이 시켰는데
Ah, I ordered tteokbokki.
왜 옆에서 피자가
Why is the pizza next to me?
나도 보고싶지 하는거같지
I think I want to see it too.
아니? 떡볶이씨 올때까지 잘거야
No, I'm going to sleep until Mr. Tteokbokki comes.
안녕 그 동안 고마웠어
Bye. Thank you for all this time.
진짜 졸렸나봐
I guess I was really sleepy.
더벅이 안고 잠듬
Sleeping with a big hug.
배달와서 깼다
I woke up because of the delivery.
먹으러 이만
I'm going to go eat now.
I watch "A-TEEN AGAIN.
드디어 밝혀서 행복해요
I'm happy to finally reveal it.
답답함이 풀렸어
I feel better now.
잘쟈요 여러분🤍
Good night, everyone. 🤍
Good, good.
와 오랜만에 팬카페 들어갔다가
Wow, it's been a while since I went into the fan cafe.
저랑 더벅이 그려주신분 봤는데 대박
I saw the person who drew Deobuk and me. Amazing.
너무 똑같아
It's so similar.
물론 얼굴은 좀 미화시켜주셨지만
Of course, they beautified my face a little bit.
더벅이 크기랑ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ쿸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The size of Deobuck...(Laughs)(Laughing)
나는 일 하는둥
I'm working.
What are you going to do?
It's a secret