2022 05 06 1116
See-through bang
저는 갠적으로 피티티 스타일링 젤 저아해여
Personally, I like PT styling the best.
여러컨셉이 있다만,,
There are many concepts.
쏘왓 제복 의상도 좋아하구
I like Sawat uniform outfits, too.
근데 좋았던 스타일링을 하나 꼽기는 너무 어려워유
But it's hard to pick a style that I liked.
러브레터 의상도 좋구
Love letter outfit is good too
이번 콘서트 초록체크도 좋구
Green check for this concert is good, too.
롤링스톤인가? 그 초록시스루의상도 좋았구
Was it Rolling Stone? The green see-through outfit was good, too.
그리고 최근에 그 시그 교복착장 조아
And recently... I like that school uniform outfit.
다 좋다녀 지금 제 스타일 꼽아서 말하는중 ㅋ
I like them all. I'm talking about my style.
갤러리 보면서 내 스타일 고르는중
Looking at the gallery and choosing my style.
그 썸패! 곰돌이 맨투맨에 선글라스 이거 참 조았어
That flirting! The bear sweatshirt and sunglasses. I looked at them.
제가 또 꾸러기룩 조아하는 편이라 ㅋ
I like mischievous looks.
그래서 그 뭐야 그거그거그거
So, what is that? That, that, that.
비니쓴거 그 날도 조아해요
I like wearing a beanie on that day, too.
아니 그 녹음실에서 찍은거
No, the one we filmed in the recording studio.
뭐 요정도,,
Well, this much...
이제 진짜 자야하는데
I really need to sleep now.
다시 노력해볼까
Should I try again?
Way to go!
Go for it!
Not sleeping
giving up
이럴땐 메컵오버
At times like this, Mécup over.
Recent updates.
Step 2480
한단계 깻다,,,
I've broken a level.
얼마나 깰라나
I can't wait to wake you up.
30분 남았다
30 minutes left.
꽤 많이 깼군
You've woken up quite a bit.
6개 깻오
I got six.
이제 나갈준비해야쥐
We need to get ready to go out now.
이제 슬슬 졸리기 시작한다
I'm starting to get sleepy.
이따 차에서 자야쥐~!
I'll sleep in the car later.
Belly crepe.
치즈김밥 먹을예정
I'm going to eat cheese kimbap.
라면도 먹고싶다;;;;;;
I want to eat ramen, too.;;;;;;
라면 조합 대박이겠는데
Ramen combination would be amazing.
겁나 붓는거아냐?
Aren't you going to get bloated?
근데 귀찮아 ㅜㅡㅜ 언제 사로가
But it's annoying. When are you going to Saro?
육개장 똭 먹으면 대박이긴하겠다
It would be amazing if you eat a lot of yukgaejang.
하지만~ 안먹어~!
But I won't eat it!
What are you doing?
오빛들 밖에 있니?
Orbit, are you outside?
Look around.(Laughs)
I'm getting angry.
It's cute.
참고로 현재상황은
For your information, the current situation is...
케이콘 오신 팬분들 구경중
Fans who came to KCON are watching.