2022 05 05 1106
분명 잘 준비를 하려했는데
I was going to get ready to sleep.
하 나 3시엔 할라했는데
I was going to do one at 3 o'clock.
왜 이러고 있지
Why am I doing this?
그나저나 나 원데이 투명 요즘 끼고있다해짜나
By the way, I'm wearing one-day transparency these days.It's the year of the sun.
그거 너무 동공에 촥 감겨서 그런지
I don't know if it's because it's too close to my eyes,
렌즈 뺄 때마다 너무 힘들어서
It's so hard whenever I take off my contact lenses.
당분간 안낄라고
I won't wear them for a while.
눈알에 상처날거같아 빼다가
I think I'm going to get a scar on my eyeballs while taking it out.
하지만 착용감 아주 굳
But it's very tight to wearable.
잘 준비하는중임
I'm getting ready to sleep.
나 어제 일찍 잤지
I went to bed early last night.
어제보다 일찍자기는 실패지,,?
Did you fail to go to bed earlier than yesterday?
뭐 어뛔 쏘 왓
Well, so what?
내일은 늦게일나도 되거든ㅋ
I can work late tomorrow.
아우 근데 졸리다
But I'm sleepy.
잘 준비 끄읕
Get ready to sleep.
잘쟈요 둥둥이 🤍
Good night, dongdoong 🤍
헐 음원나왔네에
Oh my! The song came out.
모닝송으로 듣는중
Listening to the morning song.
직캠 뜬 김에 하나 알려주자면
Since the fancam came up, let me tell you one thing.
지우 고음 끝나고
After Jiwoo's high notes,
잘했다! 다행이다! 하는 엄마미소 나옴
Good job! That's a relief! A mom's smile comes out like that's what I'm saying.
혼자 뿌듯ㅋ
I'm proud of myself.
아 근데 어제 유튭 댓글보는네
Oh, but I'm reading the comments on YouTube yesterday.
나 고음할때만 윙크하는게 아니라고
I'm not only winking when I sing high notes.
마그네슘 부족인거같다고 진심으로 걱정하시는분이
There are people who are really worried that I lack magnesium.
There was a personally.
저 윙크 좀 과하게 하긴 하는데
I wink too much.
평소엔 안그래여,,,🥴
Not usually, 🥴
이게 뭔가 살려야하는 부분이 있다 하면
If there's something I need to emphasize,
거기서 윙크를 하는둣
I winked there.
사실 에피소드가 있다면
If there's an episode,
저 예전에 보컬레슨 받을때도
When I took vocal lessons before,
눈 너무 깜박인다고
"I'm blinking too much".
가만히 눈뜨고 노래해볼까 해서 했는데
I thought about singing with my eyes open.
쌤도 포기하심
The teacher gave up, too.
그래도 좀 줄이긴 해야겠어요
But I need to lower it a little bit.
한 5번에서 1번으로
From 5 to 1.
나 낫프렌즈 뮤비에서 연속윙크보고
I saw a series of winks in Not Friends music video.
사실 좀 놀랬거둔
Actually, I was a little surprised.
아 여러분 꼬시기 윙크 아닙니다
Everyone, it's not a winking.
리얼 라이브할때만 나옴
It only comes out during real live.
이제 윙크 또 안하면 립싱크신줄 알겠네
If I don't wink, they'll think I'm lip syncing.
아 유튜브 댓글 보는데
I was looking at the comments on YouTube.
윙크모드 들어갔댘ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
They're in wink mode.
그리고 내가 보러온지 알고 댓글 단 분도 계셔
And there's someone who thought I came to see it and left comments.
아니 노래에 따라 좀 달라요,,,
No, it depends on the song.
윙크를 안하고 부를수있는 노래도 .,, 아마,,? 있다구요
There is a song that I can sing without winking.