2022 04 28 1000

오늘 김밥 빵 과자 아이스크림
Gimbap, bread, chips, ice cream.

다 먹었네 무슨
You ate it all.


다 하나씩
One for each.

ㅇㅋ 라면 먹겠어
Okay, I'm going to eat ramen.

먹고 방청소를 하며 칼로리소비
Eat, clean your room, and burn calories.


저 뭐먹냐구여
What am I eating?

Sesame ramen.

김치가 없네요 아쉽
We don't have kimchi. Too bad.

숏박스를 보며
Looking at the short box,

Let's go.

참깨라면은 작은컵이 더 마싯는듯
I think I drank a small cup of sesame ramen.

왠진 모르게찌만
I don't know why.

아 원래 작은컵이 맛있어?
Ah, small cups are normally good?

What are you doing?

오우 근데 먹고나니 속이 안좋은건
Oh, but I don't feel good after eating it.

왜 이럴까요
What's wrong with me?

많이 먹었다뇨
What do you mean I ate a lot?

오늘 따지고보면 따악히
If you think about it today, it's going to be tough.

둥둥씨들보단 안머근거같은디
He's more like a safe house than the Dungs.



20분 전에 나로 돌아가고싶다
I want to go back to me 20 minutes ago.

아니? 먹은건 후회하지않아
No, I don't regret eating.

벋 머리가 쬐끔 아프달까
My head hurts a little.

It's okay.

I was happy.

급 노래방 즐기는중
I'm enjoying karaoke all of a lot.

에코 빵빵 마이크가
The echo sound microphone...

있으면 좋겠지만
It'd be nice if there were.

그러면 신고 당하겠지
Then you'll be reported.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아직까지는 괜찮아요
(Laughs)It's okay so far.

근데 한소절씩만 올려도 괜찮지
But it's okay to post just one line each.

저 누구랑 노냐구요?
Who am I hanging out with?

혼자 방구석 노래방중인디요
She's singing alone in her room.

두소절만 해도 글을 두개올려야해
I have to post two lines.

아니 갑자기 한잔 했냐는 말은 왜 나오는거지,,,?
Why are you suddenly asking me if I had a drink...?

Are you asleep?

I guess he's sleeping.

Good night

Aren't you sleeping?

Are you doing well?

비오길래 생각나더라
It was raining, so I remembered.

Since it's raining.

singing in the rain 들어줘
Sing in the rain, please.

싱더레 어쿠스틱 버전 있음 좋겠다
I wish there's an acoustic version of "Sinderre".

잘 준비 끝
I'm ready to sleep.

잘자요 둥둥🤍
Good night, dung dung 🤍